
As a Department of Energy facility, INL offers a diverse number of paid internship positions to high school, undergraduate and graduate level students. These internship opportunities enable students to collaborate with experienced scientists and engineers in order to develop innovative solutions to challenging, real-world projects.


Other Federal Internships

University students can also intern at INL through other federal internship programs:

Office of Science’s Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists (WDTS), Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI), Community College Internship (CCI) and Visiting Faculty Program (VFP).

DOE-NE’s Integrated University Program awards undergraduate scholarships and graduate fellowships as part of DOE’s commitment to educate the next generation of nuclear scientists and engineers.

Department of Homeland Security’s education and summer internship programs.

INL Intern Photos: Things to do in Southeast Idaho

Stanley sawtooths




View more intern photos on INL’s Facebook

Who can apply?

• Full-time students attending an accredited high school or college the semester before and after an internship award.
• Students with at least a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA.
• Foreign nationals who attend an accredited U.S. college or university and have a current Curricular Practical Training Authorization.

What do you need to apply?

• Your latest college transcripts.
• A current resume’ or CV.
• Names and email addresses for faculty, as INL may request letters of recommendation.
• Current class schedule including number of credits or copy of diploma if graduated within the past six months.