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Important Items

  • Appointment of Nancy S. Harr as United States Attorney
  • Court Scams Affect Citizens Nationwide
  • Historical Society Newsletter, Issue 07/2016
  • In re: Filing of State Court Record in Habeas Cases in CM/ECF
  • CJA Case Budgeting Techniques and Other Cost Containment Policies
  • CJA Circuit Presumptive Rates
  • Proposed Amendments Published for Public Comment
  • Recent Updates

  • Expert and Other Services: Appendix 3a, Advance Authorization for Excess Fees01/10/2017
  • CJA Chart of Compensation Rates01/04/2017
  • Post Judgment Interest Rates01/04/2017
  • Application for Admission to Practice12/12/2016
  • Fact Witness Voucher12/08/2016
  • Local Rules PDF Version12/07/2016
  • ECF Rules and Procedures11/03/2016
  • CJA Panel Attorney Program Application11/03/2016
  • The Eastern District of Tennessee is one of 94 federal court districts in the United States. Each district operates separately. Our district has jurisdiction in 41 East Tennessee counties, reaching generally from Bristol on the north to Chattanooga on the south.

    There are four divisions of the Eastern District of Tennessee, and we have offices in each of those divisions, at Greeneville, Knoxville, Chattanooga, and Winchester. The Knoxville office serves as the headquarters for the district.

    The nine districts in the states of Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio and Michigan make up the Sixth Circuit. There are 13 circuits in the United States Court system.