Table 3. Long-tenured displaced workers (1) by whether they received written advance notice, reason for job loss, and employment status in January 2012

Table 3. Long-tenured displaced workers (1) by whether they received written advance notice, reason for job loss, and
employment status in January 2012

(Numbers in thousands)
                                                                         Percent distribution by employment status   
                     Characteristic                           Total                                                  
                                                                         Total      Employed   Unemployed  Not in the
                                                                                                          labor force
    Total, 20 years and over (2).........................     6,121      100.0        56.0        26.7        17.4   
Received written advance notice..........................     2,307      100.0        54.5        26.9        18.6   
Did not receive written advance notice...................     3,707      100.0        56.5        26.8        16.7   
          Plant or company closed down or moved                                                                      
    Total, 20 years and over (2).........................     1,884      100.0        57.2        24.6        18.2   
Received written advance notice..........................       987      100.0        53.1        26.9        19.9   
Did not receive written advance notice...................       861      100.0        61.5        22.2        16.3   
                    Insufficient work                                                                                
    Total, 20 years and over (2).........................     2,418      100.0        55.1        27.2        17.7   
Received written advance notice..........................       613      100.0        56.3        25.8        17.9   
Did not receive written advance notice...................     1,759      100.0        54.3        27.9        17.7   
               Position or shift abolished                                                                           
    Total, 20 years and over (2).........................     1,819      100.0        55.9        28.1        16.0   
Received written advance notice..........................       708      100.0        54.7        28.0        17.3   
Did not receive written advance notice...................     1,087      100.0        56.1        28.5        15.4   

   1 Data refer to persons who had 3 or more years of tenure on a job they had lost or left between January 2009 and
December 2011 because of plant or company closings or moves, insufficient work, or the abolishment of their positions
or shifts.
   2 Includes a small number who did not report information on advance notice.

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Last Modified Date: August 24, 2012