
Charlie Waters

Alaska Fisheries Science Center Research Biologist
Fish Survival
Auke Bay Laboratories
Phone: (907) 789-6001

Charlie Waters

Alaska Fisheries Science Center Research Biologist

Charlie Waters is a Research Fish Biologist for NOAA’s Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Auke Bay Laboratories in Juneau, Alaska. As a member of the Ecosystem Monitoring and Assessment Program, Charlie assists with research efforts to better understand Alaska’s Large Marine Ecosystems, including how environmental variation may affect the distributions and abundances of key species. He also provides research support to NOAA’s Little Port Walter Marine Research Station, Alaska’s oldest year-round biological field station. He obtained B.S. degrees in Biology and Environmental Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Ph.D. from the University of Washington, where he used advanced genomic and statistical approaches to better characterize genetic and phenotypic risks associated with salmon hatchery rearing.