NCPC welcomes public comment. This is a guide on how to provide comments on items under consideration at a Commission meeting. This includes important deadlines, how to provide comments orally and in writing, and guidelines for speaking at a meeting.

Monthly Commission meetings are open to the public. No registration is required to attend, but you must sign up in advance to speak. Your written comments, testimony, and any images provided are part of the public record. Meetings are live-streamed, videotaped, and transcribed and are also part of the public record. Reasonable accommodations are provided upon request. For more information, call 202-482-7200 or email:

Testifying While Social Distancing
Please read the procedures on how to participate in or testify at Commission meetings while NCPC’s offices are closed to the public. Once you are familiar with the process and once the registration period is open, click the "Register to Speak at a Meeting" button below.

Participation Deadlines

Sign up to receive agenda notices. Agendas list projects and plans considered for review, and important deadlines to submit comments or speak.

Advance registration is required to speak at Commission meetings. Deadlines vary according to the preliminary classification of items on the Tentative Agenda. Please be aware that the agenda is subject to change.

For the January 7, 2021, Commission meeting:

Registration to speak or submit written comments on Proposed Delegated Items or Exceptions in the Tentative Agenda:
December 25, 2020 | 5:00 PM

Registration to speak on Proposed Action Items listed in the Tentative Agenda:
December 30, 2020 | 12:00 noon

Registration to speak on Final Action Items listed in the Final Agenda and for submission of written comments:
January 6, 2021 | 12:00 noon

Registration is Not Open

The speaker registration open period for the January 7, 2021 Commission meeting will start at 12 noon on December 21. Please check back here after the open period begins.

A Tentative Agenda for the upcoming Commission meeting is set approximately three weeks before the meeting. The Tentative Agenda classifies projects as Proposed Action Items and Proposed Delegated Items. This classification is preliminary and subject to change prior to the Commission meeting.

  • Action Items are projects that presented and discussed at the Commission meeting. The public is invited to give testimony on these projects. Some projects listed as Proposed Action Items on the Tentative Agenda are moved to the Consent Calendar on the Final Agenda if no speakers have registered by the deadline. The Commission votes on the Consent Calendar Items but does not hear a presentation or public testimony.
  • Delegated Items are projects that the Commission delegates to the Chairman or Executive Director. Some projects listed as Proposed Delegated Items may become Action Items if a member of the public registers to speak on that item by the deadline.
  • Exceptions are types of projects where NCPC staff determines that a project is exempt from Commission review, based on certain criteria. Projects listed as Proposed Exceptions may become Action Items if a member of the public registers to speak on that item by the deadline.
The Final Agenda and staff recommendations (EDRs) are posted online the Friday before the Commission Meeting. Action Items are either on the Consent Calendar or are individually considered and voted on by the Commission following a staff presentation. After the release of the Final Agenda, the public may sign up to speak only on Action Items.

  • Arrive early. Estimated starting times for each item are listed on the Final Agenda, but these are only approximations.
  • Public seating is available in the Commission Chambers, on the north side closest to the lobby.
  • The public speaks from the podium on the north side (closest to the lobby). Make sure the microphone is on and speak into the microphone. Your comments are part of the official record and will be recorded and videotaped.
  • When the Chairman calls your name, please step up to the podium and state your name clearly. Indicate whether you are speaking as an individual citizen or on behalf of an organization. If you are representing an organization, you must submit an official letter in advance stating that your testimony is authorized.
  • Individuals have three minutes to speak. People testifying on behalf of an organization have five minutes. A clock on the south wall indicates remaining time, and a buzzer will indicate when your time is up. Please complete your sentence and conclude your remarks quickly.
  • Practicing (and timing) your testimony before the meeting is helpful.
  • Commissioners may ask questions while you are at the podium.
  • Testimony submitted electronically to one (1) day prior to the Commission meeting is distributed at the meeting. Otherwise, provide hard copy versions of your testimony to the Commission Secretary in advance of the meeting or when called to the podium.
  • Provide any digital images or PowerPoint presentations to the Commission Secretary at least one hour in advance of the meeting to ensure they can be correctly and securely displayed. Additional time is not provided to set up presentations.
  • Laser pointers are not allowed.
  • You may cede your time to another person only if you are present at the meeting.
  • The Chairman has discretion on the order, length of time, and other aspects of public testimony.

Written Statements

Submit written comments as early as possible to provide the Commission and agency staff the opportunity to review in advance of the meeting.

Written statements received before the Final Agenda is distributed are included as attachments to the staff report. The Final Agenda is usually distributed to the Commission the Friday preceding the Commission meeting. Written comments submitted after the Final Agenda is distributed are provided to the Commission on the day of the meeting, and may be posted online.

You may submit a written statement regarding any Delegated or Action Item on the Commission Agenda. Include your contact information, and the project name, applicant, and NCPC file number if known. Written comments are often provided:

  • For projects classified as Delegated or Consent Items on the Final Agenda
  • If you are unable to attend the meeting
  • If you would like to provide a copy of your oral testimony
Submitting comments electronically is encouraged. Submit written comments electronically at least one (1) day before the meeting for distribution to the Commission. Otherwise, please provide 15 copies of your written statement on the day of the meeting to the Commission Secretary.

Commenting Tips

NCPC often reviews plans and projects several times. The applicant agency and NCPC have more time to consider public comments received early in the review process; for example, when NCPC is considering the concept or preliminary design.

Legislative authorities guide how and what NCPC reviews. Understanding this legal framework can make your public comments more effective.

Public views on non-federal plans and projects should be limited to their effect on federal interests in the National Capital Region.

There are often other opportunities for public comment for plans and projects in addition to formal testimony at Commission meetings. These include:

  • Public meetings on new or updated NCPC plans
  • Public meetings held by other applicant agencies
  • NEPA/Section 106 meetings