Design, Estimating and Construction (DEC)

What is the objective of DEC?

The objective of DEC is to ensure that project cost estimates are appropriate, there are no major technical flaws, project risks and uncertainties are identified and addressed, and executive-level management decisions and products are sound at both the project and corporate levels. The Senior Advisor, DEC provides oversight of these activities within Reclamation as projects are being formulated.

What is a DEC Review?

The main oversight mechanism is the performance of DEC Reviews.  These reviews normally consist of a team of four to five experts who spend a week reviewing a project through document reviews and a week at the project site developing a DEC Review Final Report.  The report includes findings and recommendations for consideration by the project and decisions by executive-level management.

Who do I contact for further information?

Please refer to the "DEC Contacts" page, which can be found via the link in the left-hand column.


Last Updated: 7/1/15