American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

The Bureau of Reclamation invested $946 million in America’s water infrastructure under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to create jobs and get the economy moving again. Through this investment, Reclamation created or retained more than 10,200 jobs.

Workers restoring Battle Creek in California.
Workers restoring Battle Creek in California. Project funded by ARRA.

Once stakeholders identified projects as critical, Reclamation worked through a rigorous merit-based process to identify investments that met the criteria put forth by the Recovery Act. These project criteria included addressing Interior’s highest priority mission needs, generating the largest number of jobs in the shortest period of time and creating lasting value for the American public.

Reclamation identified six priority areas: Meeting Future Water Supply Needs, Improving Infrastructure Reliability and Safety, Environmental and Ecosystem Restoration, Water Conservation Initiative, Green Buildings and Emergency Drought Relief.

ARRA funding provided to these six priority areas total:

  • Meeting Future Water Supply Needs - $469.6 million
  • Improving Infrastructure Reliability and Safety - $155.2 million
  • Environmental and Ecosystem Restoration - $220.1 million
  • Water Conservation Initiative - $38.2 million
  • Green Buildings - $19.5 million
  • Emergency Drought Relief in the West - $40.6 million


Last Updated: 9/19/16