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Healthy Moments Logo and Dr. Griffin Rodgers
The Healthy Moments logo and Dr. Griffin Rodgers

Healthy Moments Radio Broadcast

One-minute tips on living a healthy lifestyle featuring Dr. Griffin Rodgers, Director of NIDDK.


Each episode is 1 minute in length.

Ignoring recurring heartburn won’t make it go away, and it could mean you have a serious condition—but luckily, regular heartburn is treatable.

Staying active during the holidays may help you manage the demands of the season and improve your health.

Parents and caregivers can help youth who have diabetes delay or prevent other serious health problems by keeping blood glucose levels near normal.

Did you know that diabetes is one of the most common chronic conditions in school-age children? You can help your child by developing a diabetes management plan.

Having a team to provide care and support can help address the unique challenges and needs of youth who have diabetes.

Regardless of their age, sometimes youth who have diabetes need help with their diabetes care.

Breakfast helps your body get going–so don’t skip it, even if you’re on the go!

Did you know getting enough sleep may help you reach or stay at a healthy weight?

Finding time for physical activity while juggling work, family, and personal needs can be tough—but there are ways to strike a healthy balance.