NIRS is the national, web-based data reporting and retrieval system for the AUCD Network. NIRS enables Network members to manage data on their training programs, projects, activities, and products, and helps them comply with Federal reporting requirements. The data gathered in NIRS also enables AUCD to develop composite snapshots of the UCEDD and LEND programs.

NIRS is a useful tool for accessing and promoting the important work of university-based centers and programs on disabilities and special health care needs (SHCN) to a wide array of constituents, including people with disabilities and/or SHCN and their families, local communities, states, service providers, funding agencies, policy makers, and other partners. Finally, NIRS supports the data management, program evaluation, long-range planning, and information sharing efforts of individual UCEDD and LEND Programs.


The links below and to the left cover several priority areas concerning NIRS. Below are a few details about each page:

  • Search the NIRS Database: This allows everyone to search Projects and Products entered in NIRS. This option is very helpful both for federal agencies in obtaining useful information about Centers' work and areas of expertise, and to fellow network members who look for information from other Centers.
  • Login: This is the link to login to NIRS.
  • Online Learning Modules: These Modules help new Data Coordinators learn to use NIRS and understand reporting requirements. The Modules can be used by all Programs that enter data in NIRS: UCEDD, LEND, LEAH, PPC and DBP Programs.
  • NIRS Resources: This is probably the most useful page, which includes resources with reporting requirements, guidance, and other helpful materials.
  • Technical Assistance: This page describes the options available to get NIRS-related technical assistance.
  • NIRS FAQ: This page lists frequently asked questions, organized by dataset.
  • NIRS Archive: This is where archived training material (paper forms) can be found.
  • About NIRS: This page provides a few more details about the history of NIRS and major changes that happened over time.

If there are topics that you feel need additional information or description in the content areas at left, please contact Natalie Martinez.