
The Mortgage Debt Outstanding table is no longer being updated. All of the series that were published in this table can be found in the Financial Accounts of the United States. The table below shows the where each series can be found in the Z1 release (column 3), with links to series definitions and documentation (column 4).

Release Date: March 2020
Mortgage Debt Outstanding Crosswalk Table (CSV)
MDO Line MDO Description Z1 Table / Line Z1 Series
1 All holders L.217 / Line 1 FL893065005.Q
2 One- to four- family residences L.218 / Line 1 +  FL893065105.Q
3 Multifamily residences L.219 / Line 1 +  FL893065405.Q
4 Nonfarm, nonresidential L.220 / Line 1 +  FL893065505.Q
5 Farm L.221 / Line 1 +  FL893065603.Q
6 Major financial institutions    
7 Depository Institutions    
    L.217 / Line 25 FL763065005.Q
    L.217 / Line 26 +  FL753065005.Q
    L.217 / Line 27 +  FL743065003.Q
8 One- to four-family    
    L.218 / Line 11 FL763065105.Q
    L.218 / Line 12 +  FL753065103.Q
    L.218 / Line 13 +  FL743065103.Q
9 Multifamily residences    
    L.219 / Line 12 FL763065403.Q
    L.219 / Line 13 +  FL753065403.Q
10 Nonfarm, nonresidential    
    L.220 / Line 12 FL763065503.Q
    L.220 / Line 13 +  FL753065503.Q
    L.220 / Line 14 +  FL743065505.Q
11 Farm    
    L.221 / Line 9 FL763065633.Q
    L.221 / Line 10 +  FL753065603.Q
12 Life insurance companies    
  Total Mortgages L.217 / Line 30 FL543065005.Q
13 One- to four-family L.218 / Line 15 +  FL543065105.Q
14 Multifamily residences L.219 / Line 14 +  FL543065405.Q
15 Nonfarm, nonresidential L.220 / Line 16 +  FL543065505.Q
16 Farm L.221 / Line 11 +  FL543065633.Q
17 Federal and related agencies    
  Total Mortgages L.217 / Line 17 FL313065005.Q
    L.217 / Line 33 +  FL403065005.Q
18 Government National Mortgage Association    
  Total Mortgages L.217 / Line 18 FL313065015.Q
19 One- to four-family Underlying Detail Table +  FL313065113.Q
20 Multifamily residences Underlying Detail Table +  FL313065413.Q
21 Farmers Home Administration L.217 / Line 19 FL313065075.Q
22 One- to four-family Underlying Detail Table +  FL313065173.Q
23 Multifamily residences Underlying Detail Table +  FL313065473.Q
24 Nonfarm, nonresidential Underlying Detail Table +  FL313065573.Q
25 Farm Underlying Detail Table +  FL313065673.Q
26 Federal Housing Admin. and Dept. of Veterans Affairs    
27 Total Mortgages L.217 / Line 20 FL313065035.Q
  FHA - One- to four-family Underlying Detail Table +  FL313065133.Q
  VA - One-to four-family Underlying Detail Table +  FL313065123.Q
28 Multifamily residences Underlying Detail Table +  FL313065433.Q
29 Resolution Trust Corporation    
  Total Mortgages Underlying Detail Table FL313065055.Q
30 One- to four-family Underlying Detail Table +  FL313065153.Q
31 Multifamily residences Underlying Detail Table +  FL313065453.Q
32 Nonfarm, nonresidential Underlying Detail Table +  FL313065553.Q
33 Farm   NA
34 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation    
  Total Mortgages L.217 / Line 21 FL313065065.Q
35 One- to four-family Underlying Detail Table +  FL313065163.Q
36 Multifamily residences Underlying Detail Table +  FL313065463.Q
37 Nonfarm, nonresidential Underlying Detail Table +  FL313065563.Q
38 Farm   NA
39 Federal National Mortgage Association    
  Total Mortgages L.217 / Line 34 FL403065015.Q
40 One- to four-family Underlying Detail Table +  FL403065110.Q
41 Multifamily residences Underlying Detail Table +  FL403065413.Q
42 Federal Land Banks    
  Total Mortgages L.217 / Line 36 FL403065045.Q
43 One- to four-family Underlying Detail Table +  FL403065143.Q
44 Farm Underlying Detail Table +  FL403065643.Q
45 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation    
  Total Mortgages L.217 / Line 35 FL403065025.Q
46 One- to four-family Underlying Detail Table +  FL403065120.Q
47 Multifamily residences Underlying Detail Table +  FL403065423.Q
48 Federal Home Loan Banks    
  Total Mortgages L.217 / Line 37 FL403065035.Q
49 One- to four-family Underlying Detail Table +  FL403065130.Q
50 Multifamily residences Underlying Detail Table +  FL403065433.Q
51 Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation    
52 Farm L.217  / Line 38 FL403065653.Q
53 Mortgage pools or trusts    
  Total Mortgages L.217 / Line 39 FL413065005.Q
      + FL673065005.Q
54 Government National Mortgage Association    
  Total Mortgages L.217 / Line 40  FL413065015.Q
55 One- to four-family Underlying Detail Table + FL413065110.Q
56 Multifamily residences Underlying Detail Table + FL413065413.Q
57 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation    
  Total Mortgages L.217 / Line 41 FL413065025.Q
58 One- to four-family Underlying Detail Table + FL413065123.Q
59 Multifamily residences Underlying Detail Table + FL413065423.Q
60 Federal National Mortgage Association    
  Total Mortgages L.217 / Line 42  FL413065045.Q
61 One- to four-family Underlying Detail Table + FL413065143.Q
62 Multifamily residences Underlying Detail Table + FL413065443.Q
63 Farmers Home Administration    
  Total Mortgages L.217 / Line 44 FL413065035.Q
64 One- to four-family Underlying Detail Table + FL413065133.Q
65 Multifamily residences Underlying Detail Table + FL413065433.Q
66 Nonfarm, nonresidential Underlying Detail Table + FL413065533.Q
67 Farm Underlying Detail Table + FL413065633.Q
68 Private mortgage conduits    
  Total Mortgages L.217 / Line  45 FL673065005.Q
69 One- to four-family L.218 / Line 20 + FL673065105.Q
70 Multifamily residences L.218 / Line 19 + FL673065405.Q
71 Nonfarm, nonresidential L.220 / Line 20 + FL673065505.Q
72 Farm NA NA
73 Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation    
  Total Mortgages L.217 / Line 43 FL413065653.Q
74 Farm Underlying Detail Table FL413065653.Q
75 Individuals and others    
  Total Mortgages L.217 / Line 47 FL643065005.Q
    L.217 / Line 23 + FL213065005.Q
    L.217 / Line 32 + FL223065043.Q
    L.217 / Line 31 + FL573065005.Q
    L.217 / Line 28 + FL473065100.Q
    L.217 / Line 46 + FL613065000.Q
    L.217 / Line 14 + FL153065005.Q
    L.217 / Line 15 + FL103065003.Q
    L.217 / Line 16 + FL113065005.Q
    L.217 / Line 29 + FL513065505.Q
76 One- to four-family    
    L.218 / Line 22 FL643065105.Q
    L.218 / Line 10 + FL213065103.Q
    L.218 / Line 17 + FL223065143.Q
    L.218 / Line 16 + FL573065103.Q
    L.218 / Line 14 + FL473065100.Q
    L.218 / Line 21 + FL613065105.Q
    L.218 / Line 6 + FL153065103.Q
    L.218 / Line 7 + FL103065105.Q
    L.218 / Line 8 + FL113065103.Q
77 Multifamily residences    
    L.219 / Line 21 FL643065405.Q
    L.219 / Line 11 + FL213065403.Q
    L.219 / Line 16 + FL223065443.Q
    L.219 / Line 15 + FL573065403.Q
    L.219 / Line 20 + FL613065403.Q
    L.219 / Line 7 + FL153065403.Q
    L.219 / Line 8 + FL103065403.Q
    L.219 / Line 9 + FL113065403.Q
78 Nonfarm, nonresidential    
    L.220 / Line 22 FL643065505.Q
    L.220 / Line 11 + FL213065503.Q
    L.220 / Line 18 + FL223065545.Q
    L.220 / Line 17 + FL573065505.Q
    L.220 / Line 21 + FL613065503.Q
    L.220 / Line 7 + FL153065505.Q
    L.220 / Line 8 + FL103065503.Q
    L.220 / Line 9 + FL113065503.Q
    L.220 / Line 15 + FL513065505.Q
79 Farm    
    L.221 / Line 8 FL213065603.Q
    L.221 / Line 12 + FL223065643.Q
    L.221 / Line 5 + FL153065605.Q
    L.221 / Line 6 + FL113065603.Q

Note: Rows labeled "Underlying Detail Table" are not explicitly published in Z.1 tables, but are available for download via the "Z.1 Underlying Detail;OTHER" dataset of the Federal Reserve Board's Data Download Program.
(Data Download Program:

Note: On December 11, 2020, Line 44 was updated to correct an error.

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Last Update: December 11, 2020