NBL Program Office Logo 

The NBL Program Office is a federally-staffed National Nuclear Security Administration program responsible for ensuring the production, certification and distribution of nuclear reference materials for a wide variety of users. The NBL Program is the U.S. Government's certifying authority for nuclear reference materials and measurement calibration standards. The NBL Program provides reference materials, measurement and interlaboratory measurement evaluation services, and technical expertise for evaluating measurement methods and safeguards measures in use at other facilities for a variety of Federal program sponsors and customers. The NBL Program Office is located in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

Effective October 1, 2019 the NBL Program Office mission moved from the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Science to DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA).  This move aligns the NBL PO mission of producing nuclear reference materials and conducting proficiency testing with the NNSA programs that most utilize NBL PO’s capabilities. The NBL PO webpage is being redesigned and will be moving to the NNSA web servers in the near future.  When the transition occurs, these pages will auto-forward to the new NBL PO website.

Reference materials and proficiency testing sample packaging and shipping will continue to be processed at the NBL Center located at the Y12 National Security Complex, which has been handling the majority of NBL PO shipments since formally opening in June 2018. 

PLEASE NOTE:  Due to the COVID-19 situation in the US, shipment of NBL PO materials is limited and delayed.  If you have an urgent need, please contact us via email or telephone.

Please continue to address questions or inquiries regarding CRM or proficiency testing orders to NBLSales@science.doe.gov

Feel free to address any questions concerning the transfer, location change or other topics to me at Peter.Mason@science.doe.gov or by telephone at 865-576-0598. Peter Mason NBL Program Office