
Argonne Site Office (ASO) is a Department of Energy (DOE) line management organization reporting to the Office of Science Deputy Director for Field Operations (DDFO). ASO is located at the Argonne National Laboratory (Argonne) site in Illinois. ASO is a technical, project and business management organization comprised of experienced, talented and dedicated individuals.

ASO's senior leadership team includes the:

  • ASO Manager
  • ASO Deputy Manager
  • Director of the Infrastructure, Programs and Projects Division
  • Director of the Business Management Division
  • Director of the Environment, Safety and Health Division

Mission and Functions

The ASO mission is to successfully manage and administer the DOE performance-based Management and Operating (M&O) contract with UChicago Argonne LLC for the safe, secure, effective and efficient operation of the Argonne National Laboratory (Argonne). ASO supports the SC mission to encourage and conduct forefront basic and applied research programs which advance the science and technology foundations necessary to accomplish DOE missions.

For ASO to achieve its assigned mission successfully, ASO must perform the following five major functions:

  • Contract Management
    • set expectations and communicate them to our M&O contractor
    • integrate DOE requirements into the M&O contract
    • authorize and fund work and;
    • evaluate contract performance; and provide feedback to our contractor
  • Program and project management encompasses tasks such as planning, budgeting, reviewing, approving, directing, and monitoring implementation of programs and projects by the M&O in order to assure the best possible outcomes.
  • Integrated Safety Management entails advising, guiding, assessing and providing feedback on Argonne's safety and environmental operations.
  • Federal stewardship is our obligation to maintain and protect Federal assets such as: appropriated funds; buildings, infrastructure, and scientific facilities; intellectual resources and the contractor and Federal workforce; significant archaeological and historic cultural resources; and habitat and ecological resources. Federal stewardship also includes ensuring long-term protection of people and the environment at cleaned-up contaminated sites. ASO also represents the federal government at Argonne National Laboratory for matters dealing with emergencies, security, and interacting with the community, state and local government officials and other stakeholders.

Internal operations includes establishing and maintaining ASO management systems and effectively managing the ASO program direction account. This includes functions such as employee performance management, recruiting, travel, training, awards, salaries, and maintenance of ASO plans and procedures.