An official website of the United States government.

Pollution Prevention (P2)

EPA Pollution Prevention Webinar Series

About the P2 Webinar Series

The P2 webinar series provides support for grantees on topics such as:
  • EPA P2 tools
  • P2 national emphasis area (NEA) best practices
  • Technical information
  • P2 grant measurement guidance
  • And many more!
On this page:

Upcoming Webinars

Stay tuned for more P2 webinars to  be added in January 2021.

Past Webinars

We will add presentations and recordings of past webinars to this page as they become available.

For more information about a webinar, please direct your questions to the P2 Regional Coordinator for the Region listed as the "EPA lead" in the table below. If you need assistance identifying the appropriate contact, or if EPA Headquarters is listed as the lead, please reach out to the P2 Hub Helpline.

You may sort the table below using the arrows next to each table header or search the webinars using the search bar just above the table.

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Order Date EPA Lead
Webinar Title Moderator/Speaker(s) Topic
1 2/19/2020 HQ Pollution Prevention Grants: Federal Announcement of Availability
View Presentation | View Recording
  • Michele Amhaz, EPA P2 Program
Grant Opportunity
2 2/25/2020 HQ Overview of FY20-21 National Emphasis Areas (NEAs) for Pollution Prevention Grants
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  • Michele Amhaz, EPA P2 Program
Grant Opportunity
3 3/19/2020 2

Building Sustainable Organizations Through an Emphasis on Professional Development
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  • Walter Schoepf, EPA Region 2's Pollution Prevention Section
  • Mark Wolf, NYC Chapter of the International Society of Sustainability Professionals
  • Bob Rossi, NY Sustainable Business Council
  • C. Stewart Slater, Rowan University's Department of Chemical Engineering
  • Kirti Yenkie, Rowan University's Department of Chemical Engineering
Sustainable Organizations
4 3/24/2020 9

Getting Your “Food” in the Door: Strategies to Engage Food Manufacturers in Pollution Prevention Technical Assistance
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  • John Katz, EPA Region 9
  • Bruce Dvorak, University of Nebraska – Partners for Pollution Prevention
  • Derek Boer, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
  • Brian Morgan, Kerry, Inc.
Food Manufacturing
5 3/25/2020 HQ Source Reduction Assistance Grant Program Webinar
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  • Michele Amhaz, EPA P2 Program
  • Brian Clapp, EPA P2 Program
Grant Opportunity
6 3/31/2020 2 Building Sustainable Organizations: Making a Difference and Measuring Success
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  • Walter Schoepf, EPA Region 2's Pollution Prevention Section
  • Richard Grousset, ThinkReuse Consultants
  • Shaun Hoyte, Consolidated Edison Company
  • Edward Kurocka, New Jersey Small Business Development Centers
  • Dana McManamon, The Estee Lauder Companies
Sustainable Organizations
7 5/27/2020 5

Pollution Prevention Opportunities in the Metal Finishing Sector
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  • Christine Anderson, EPA Region 5
  • Lisa Stobierski, National Center for Manufacturing Sciences
  • George Cushnie, CAI Resources, Inc (NCMS contractor)
Metal Finishing
8 6/17/2020 3
Energy Efficiency Opportunities in Industrial Refrigeration
  • Ralph Nigro, P.E., University of Delaware
  • Keith Goossen, PhD, University of Delaware 
  • Peter Piergiovanni, P.E., EPA
Energy Efficiency, Industrial Refrigeration
9 7/16/2020 HQ How to Use EPA Database Tools to Help Identify Potential Pollution Prevention Opportunities and Solutions at Manufacturing Facilities
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  • Cheryl Keenan, Eastern Research Group, Inc., contractor to EPA
P2 Tools
10 8/18/2020 HQ

Tips on P2 Grants Reporting
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  • Kathy Davey, EPA P2 Program
P2 Measurement
11 9/22/2020 4

P2 University Training Series:  People, Prosperity, Planet...the Journey to Sustainability
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  • U.S. EPA P2 Program
  • National Pollution Prevention Roundtable (NPPR)

See webinar page for a full list of speakers.

P2 30th Anniversary and Sustainability
12 9/23/2020 6 P2 Virtual Assessment Training
View Recording
  • Liz Shepherd, Life City, L3C
  • Kurt Middlekoop, TMAC, University of Texas at Arlington
  • Jalal Rastegary, New Mexico State University
Technical Assistance During COVID-19
13 9/23/2020 9

Big Gulp: Lessons Learned on Providing P2 Tech Assistance to Food and Beverage Manufacturers
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  • Mackenzie Boyer, Arizona State University School of Sustainability
  • Jo Fleming, CA Green Business Program
  • Donna Walden, greenUp! and the NV Green Business Program
Food and Beverage Manufacturing
14 9/28/2020 3 & 4 Virtual P2 Technical Assistance: Modifying the Service Model During COVID-19
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  • Keith Ridley, University of Tennessee
  • David Ladner, Clemson University
  • Keith Goossen, University of Delaware
Technical Assistance During COVID-19
15 10/27/2020 6 Brewing Up Energy Savings
View Recording
  • Danny Macri, ENERGY STAR®
  • Kaylyn Kirkpatrick, Brewers Association
  • Ed Antczak, Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation
  • Pat Haller, Efficiency Vermont
Food and Beverage Manufacturing
16 10/29/2020 4

P2 University Training Series: Food & Beverage Manufacturing & Processing

  • Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Center (PPRC)
  • Georgia Manufacturing Extension Partnership (GMEP)
  • Toxics Use Reduction Institute (TURI)
Food and Beverage Manufacturing
17 11/18/2020 5 Pollution Prevention Opportunities for Ammonia Emissions in the Food and Beverage Sector
View Recording
  • Douglas Reindl, Ph.D., P.E., Professor UW-Madison & Director of the Industrial Refrigeration Consortium
  • Marc Claas, Researcher, UW-Madison’s Industrial Refrigeration Consortium
Food and Beverage Manufacturing
18 12/7/20 3 & 4

Regional Roundtable: P2 in Distilleries and Wineries

  • Mark Valencia, Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation
  • Robyn Whitted, Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection
  • Mark Toda, Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center
  • Samantha Gordon, Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center
  • Keith Goossen, University of Delaware
  • Adrian Mobilia, Salted Vines Vineyard & Winery
Food and Beverage Manufacturing
19 12/10/20 HQ

Your Suppliers' Impacts Are Your Impacts Too: Opportunities to Prevent Pollution through Procurement

  • Alison Kinn Bennett, U.S. EPA, EPP, OPPT
  • Jarrod Bridge, U.S. EPA, ORCR
20 12/14/20 HQ Remote Technical Assistance Assessments During COVID and Beyond
  • Michelle Gaither, Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center (PPRC)
  • Jack Illingworth, Massachusetts Office of Technical Assistance
  • John Raschko, Ph.D., Massachusetts Office of Technical Assistance
Technical Assistance During COVID-19
21 12/15/20 4

P2U: Chemical Substitution and Green Alternatives for the Metal Finishing Sector

  • Miguel Rodas, City of Los Angeles Source Reduction Program
  • Katy Wolf, Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center (PPRC)
Metal Finishing