Research Resources

Collaboration across research disciplines via shared access to state-of-the-art technologies and scientific expertise enables researchers at the NIH IRP to answer biomedical questions that no individual or lab could solve alone.

From the discovery of new vaccines that combat deadly diseases, to the development of life-saving personalized cancer treatments, IRP investigators combine forces with technical experts to leverage the vast research resources on NIH intramural campuses. The unique IRP environment provides capabilities such as single-cell genomics, cryo-electron microscopy, RNA interference, PET and MR imaging, drug candidate screening, natural products, mass spectrometry, transgenic facilities, combinatorial chemistry, a top-100 high-performance computing resource, and much, much more.

If you are an IRP investigator, visit the NIH Collaborative Research Exchange (CREx) to connect with shared research resources at the IRP or identify services from outside vendors. And if you are interested in collaborations with IRP teams, explore our PrincipalĀ Investigator profiles by Scientific Focus Area.