• Develop advanced XSLT stylesheets
  • Visually Edit XML Schema
  • Debug XSLT and XQuery files
  • Generate XSD and XSL documentation
  • Connect and manage XML Databases
  • Validate and transform XML files


  • Visually edit XML documents
  • Publish in a variety of formats
  • Use DITA, DocBook or other frameworks
  • Collaborate with team members
  • Connect to CMSes, WebDAV and FTP
  • Validate and transform XML files
  • Like it

<oXygen/> XML Editor version 14.2

Features What is new

<oXygen/> is the best XML editor available, with a large number of users ranging from beginners to XML experts. It is the only XML tool that supports all the XML schema languages. The XSLT and XQuery support is enhanced with powerful debuggers and performance profilers. You can use <oXygen/> XML Editor to work with all XML-based technologies including XML databases, XProc pipelines, and web services.

Specially tuned for content authors, <oXygen/> XML Author comes with a configurable and extensible visual editing mode based on W3C CSS stylesheets with ready-to-use DITA, DocBook, TEI and XHTML support, making <oXygen/> the ideal XML authoring solution.

<oXygen/> XML Editor is a cross-platform application available on all the major operating systems (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris) and can be used either standalone or as an Eclipse plugin.

Key features


Different perspectives: XML Editor, XSLT Debugger, XQuery Debugger, XML Databases, XML Tree Viewer/Editor. The views inside the <oXygen/> window are dockable, floating and hideable.
Manage and share transformation scenarios together with the project.Share any of the <oXygen/> XML Editor options together with the project.
Batch validation and batch transformations.Multi-line find and replace support allows regular expressions, is XML aware and can handle multiple files.
Intelligent XML editing

Intelligent XML editing

The best content completion support offering XML elements, attributes, values (handling ID references, enumerations and list values).Edit with ease XML documents consisting of repetitive patterns using the spreadsheet-like XML Grid Editor.
Schema annotations/DTD comments presented next to the content completion proposals.<oXygen/> XML Editor provides editing and validation support for NVDL scripts and for XML documents associated with NVDL scripts.
Context sensitive content assistant driven by XML Schema, Relax NG, NVDL, DTD or by the document structure. XML document wizards and XML code templates (abbreviations).
Tree based XML Outliner synchronized in real time with the edited document.New XML document wizards to easily create XML documents specifying a schema or a DTD.
Source folding support with powerful manipulation actions and persistence.Schema Model View presenting schema information about the current XML element.
Format and indent of XML files.
XML Validation

XML Validation

Validate XML documents with XML Schemas, Relax NG, DTD, NVDL and Schematron schema or embedded Schematron rules.Edit and validate support for XML Schema (visual diagram), Relax NG (visual diagram), NVDL scripts, DTD, Schematron.
Multiple validation engines: Xerces, XSV, LIBXML, MSXML 4.0, MSXML.NET, Saxon EE and SQC XML Validation and Well-Formedness Check with XInclude and XML Catalog support.
Easy error tracking - locate the error source by clicking on it, visual markers and overview ruler in the XML editor.Link to the exact location in the specification for XML Schema errors.
XML Schema Modeling

XML Schema Modeling

Visual diagram based XML schema editor, RelaxNG Schema Editor.Refactoring actions.
Include/Import graph.Component dependencies analyzer.
Generate HTML or PDF documentation from W3C XML Schemas.Support for generating large sets of sample XML instances from W3C XML Schema.
XSL/XSLT Support

XSL/XSLT Support

XSLT 1.0, XSLT 2.0 and XSLT 3.0 editing, validation, transformation, debugging and profiling support.Multiple XSLT processors: Xalan 2.7.1, Saxon 6.5.5, Saxon EE, XSLTProc and MSXML3.0/4.0/.NET 1.0/2.0.
XSLT debugging using multiple built-in processors: Xalan 2.7.1, Saxon 6.5.5, Saxon Home Edition, Saxon Professional Edition as well as the schema-aware Saxon Enterprise Edition.Easy XSLT/XQuery transformation and XML validation management with reusable scenarios.
Powerful XSLT search and refactoring actions working across multiple files.Preview the transformation results as XHTML, XML or in your browser.
XSLT Stylesheet documentation in HTML.
XQuery Support

XQuery Support

Browse, edit or query using XQuery and SQL native XML or relational databases.Mapping from the XSLT or XQuery output result to the source and stylesheet or XQuery file locations.
XQuery 1.0 editing, validation, transformation debugging and profiling support.Integrated XQuery Debugger for the MarkLogic XML Database.
XQuery Profiler.
XPath Support

XPath Support

XPath evaluation and syntax checking, XPath content completion support.Content completion with functions and annotations.
XPath Builder View. XPath functions in content completion in Schematron.
Native XML and Relational Databases

Native XML and Relational Databases

Management support for the relational databases: Oracle 11g R1, IBM DB2 Pure XML, Microsoft SQLServer 2008.Management support for the XML Databases: Documentum xDb, MarkLogic, eXist, Berkeley DB XML.
Import from relational databases and other sources to XML.Browse, edit or query using XQuery and SQL native XML or relational databases.
Single Source XML Publishing

Single Source XML Publishing

Visual WYSIWYG XML editing mode, based on W3C CSS stylesheets.Ready to use visual editing support for DocBook, DITA, TEI, XHTML.
Visual DITA Maps Manager, closely integrated with DITA Open Toolkit.FO transformations using embedded Apache's FOP to generate PDF or PS files from XML documents.
Support for external Formatting Object Processors.Unicode and Spell-checking with multi-language support: English, German, French, Italian, Japanese and Dutch.
<oXygen/> XML Editor includes the DocBook, DITA and TEI documentation frameworks.Support for CALS and HTML tables.
Preconfigured publishing scenarios for: HTML, WebHelp, PDF, Eclipse/Windows help.<oXygen/> provides support for editing, validating and creating EPUB files. Predefined transformation scenarios allow you to publish DITA and DocBook documents to EPUB.
Access to CMSes and Remote Resources

Access to CMSes and Remote Resources

Documentum Content Management System (CMS) IntegrationSupport for editing remote XML files over FTP/SFTP, HTTP/WebDAV and HTTPS/WebDAV.
Any WebDAV enabled CMS


Keep track of the changes you make to a document using the track changes feature. You can examine and merge differences between XML documents using the built-in XML Diff and Merge tool.
Fully-fledged client for the Apache SubversionTM (SVN) versioning system.
Support for Office Documents

Support for Office Documents

Ready to use validation, editing and processing support for Microsoft® Office 2007 - Office Open XML (OOXML).Ready to use validation, editing and processing support for Open Document Format (ODF) and other ZIP-based packages.


Conversions from DTD, Relax NG or a set of XML documents to XML Schema, DTD or Relax NG.Canonicalization and digital signature of XML documents.
WSDL SOAP analyzer.Large File Viewer (up to 10 GB).
Contribution to Open Source Projects

Contribution to Open Source Projects

<oXygen/> XML Editor makes available an open source NVDL implementation, oNVDL based on Jing.


<oXygen/> XML Editor is available as standalone desktop or Java Web Start application, or as an Eclipse plugin.No platform lock-in, the same license can be used on any platform with any distribution of the XML editor.

What Is New in <oXygen/> XML Editor 14.2

February 13, 2013

Version 14.2 of <oXygen/> XML Editor adds important features for both XML Development and XML Authoring.

On the XML development side, <oXygen/> completes the set of XML Schema 1.1 related features with full schema editing support and capabilities to generate XML instances and schema documentation in accordance with this new W3C standard.

On the XML Authoring side, <oXygen/> streamlines XML reviewing by adding support for highlights and a Review manager panel. Highlights help you focus on the content you need to review and the Review manager panel presents all the changes, comments and highlights from a document so you can quickly inspect and manage them.

Improvements were made for quickly finding resources in the project by searching in their content or file paths. <oXygen/> offers these advanced search capabilities by adding a dedicated view that supports complex text search expressions, such as: multiple words, boolean operators, group searches, etc. as well as XML-aware filters.

Documents from a Microsoft SharePoint server can now be accessed using the Data Source Explorer view, where you can edit, check-in, or check-out resources directly.

As usual, <oXygen/> XML updates many components to their latest versions, and extends the API available to third party applications.

There are changes in:

XML Schema 1.1 Support

Complete support for XML Schema 1.1

<oXygen/> improved the XML Schema 1.1 support, including schema and instance validation, content completion, resource dependencies, search and refactoring actions and the schema design mode. More, it is now possible to generate XML instances and XML Schema documentation starting from an XML Schema 1.1 file.


Review Panel   [read more...]

The Review panel provides a simplified way of monitoring all the inserted content, deleted content, comments, and highlights in an XML document. This handy tool is especially useful for large teams that work on the same project and need to gather and manage all the edits. The Review panel offers a wide range of reviewing actions and a search filter.

Support for Color Highlighting   [read more...]

With the Color Highlighting feature you can use the digital marker to emphasise important fragments of your documents. This is especially useful when you want to mark XML document sections that need further work or just the attention of others.

XML Authoring

Spell Checking: Save Learned Words at Project Level

You can define and share a list of terms with your team using a dedicated Dictionaries preferences page that offers support to save learned words at project level.

Launch Audio and Video Files Referenced in the XML Content

Added support to open referenced audio and video resources in your default media player directly from DITA, DocBook, and XHTML documents.

Text Description for Links in DocBook

A link description is presented in-line for internal references which do not have text content. The text is collected from the title of the target elements.

Edit MathML Equations Using MathFlow in Eclipse

The <oXygen/> XML Eclipse plugin supports rendering and editing MathML equations using the commercial MathFlow products.

CJK Support in the Author Mode for Eclipse

You can input CJK text in the Author mode, using the native input methods.

Edit Table Column Specification Values Using Form Controls

Column specification properties in CALS and HTML tables can be edited directly using form controls in DITA, DocBook, and XHTML documents.
Edit Table Column Specification Values Using Form Controls

Enhanced Character Map Dialog

The Character Map dialog displays a description of the inserted character when hovering over it. This description is also presented in a dedicated field, at the bottom of the dialog.

Fast Text Searching

Search Resources by Name and Content   [read more...]

You can find resources by typing a few words from their content, or a part for their name. The results are instantly available. The new Open/Find Resource view or the redesigned Open/Find Resource dialog support both simple text and complex searches such as boolean searches, XML-aware searches, group searches and more.

CMS Integration and Connectivity

SharePoint Support

You can connect to a Microsoft SharePoint server, browse it using the "Data Source Explorer" view, edit, check-in, and check-out resources. The SharePoint support is available in the <oXygen/> XML Enterprise Edition only.

HTTP NTLMv2 Authentication

Added the possibility to connect to a HTTP server using NTML 2 authentication scheme.

Data Protocol Support

<oXygen/> supports rendering of images embedded with the RFC 2397 data protocol.


Opening DITA Maps from CMSs, WebDAV, or XML Databases

You can open remote DITA maps using the Open from Data Source Explorer action in the DITA Maps Manager view. You will be able to browse all the databases and CMSs you configured.

Text Description for Links

When a cross reference does not provide a description <oXygen/> automatically extracts one from the title of target element.

SharePoint Support in DITA Maps Manager   [read more...]

You can open DITA maps stored on a Microsoft SharePoint server, modify, check-in or check-out topics or other resources, directly from the DITA Maps Manager view.

Author CSS Extensions

Support for the CSS 3 :empty Selector

<oXygen/> supports now the CSS 3 :empty selector in the Author mode. This makes possible to apply different styling to empty elements.

Support for the CSS 3 E:root Selector

<oXygen/> supports now the CSS 3 E:root selector in the Author mode. This makes possible to apply different styling to the same XML element depending on its location in the document: either root, or descendent of the root element.

Support for the CSS 3 font-face At-Rule (@font-face)

You can use the font-face at-rule to render content in the Author mode with custom loaded fonts. The fonts may be shared on a Web server so the entire team can use them.

New Properties for Form Controls

Most form controls support the color property. In addition, the oxy_label function supports the background-color property.


Enhanced CSS Outline and Content Completion

The CSS Outline displays both selectors and properties. To help developers easily identify properties, specific icons mark each type of property both in the CSS Outline view and in the Content Completion assistant.
Css Outline

XML Databases

Added eXist 2.0 XML Database Support

<oXygen/> supports the eXist 2.0 Database Server.

Navigate to Attribute Definition

Fast Navigation to Attribute Definition

<oXygen/> offers support to navigate to the definition of an attribute in the associated schema or DTD.

Extended API

Multiple Edit Modes (Text/Grid/Author) Using the Author Component API

Added the AuthorComponentFactory.createEditorComponentProvider(String[], String) API method, which allows creation of Author Component editors having more than one editing mode. The Author Component Sample Project and online demos have been updated to create a component with Text and Author modes.

Using Workspace Access Plugins with the Author Component

Added the possibility to use Workspace Access plugins with the Author Component.

Identify the Context in Which a Browse CMS Operation is Invoked

Added the InputURLChooser.getContextDescription() method which allows custom added browse CMS actions to detect from what type of dialog they are invoked.

Obtain the Context (Topic) for Which Defined Keys are Searched

Added possibility to find out for which DITA topic the keys should be computed using the KeyDefinitionManager.getContextKeyDefinitions(URL) method.

Obtain the Clicked Node in the Author Breadcrumb Customizer

Added possibility to discover for which Author Node the breadcrumb customizer API is invoked using the AuthorBreadCrumbCustomizer.customizePopUpMenu(Object, AuthorAccess, AuthorNode) method.

Customize the Way a Form Control is Rendered

Added possibility to customize the way a form control is rendered when the cursor is hovering it. The information about the mouse location is obtained through the AuthorInplaceContext.html#getRelativeMouseLocation() method.

Obtain a Link Description in the Author Mode

Added the possibility to obtain a link description in the Author Mode by implementing a ro.sync.ecss.extensions.api.link.LinkTextResolver interface.

Create a Custom Editor Input in the Eclipse Plugin Distribution

Added an extension point called customEditorInputCreator which allows other plugins to return custom editor inputs when references are opened in the <oXygen/> Eclipse Plugin.

Added Access to Utility APIs in Author Component Factory

Added the AuthorComponentFactory.getUtilAccess() and getXMLUtilAccess() methods in the Author Component Factory.

Convert Absolute Location to Editing Area Relative Location

Added the WSTextBasedEditorPage.getLocationRelativeToEditorFromScreen(int, int) method which converts absolute coordinates (relative to the main frame) to a location relative to the editing area.

Identify the Bounds for a Certain Callout

Added the API AuthorCalloutsController.getCalloutRectangle(AuthorPersistentHighlight) method which returns the bounds of a certain callout relative to the editing area. This information can be used to scroll to a certain callout.

Scroll to a Specific Area

Added possibility to make a specific area of the Author mode visible using the WSAuthorEditorPageBase.scrollToRectangle(Rectangle) method.

Component updates

Updated Saxon to Version

The Saxon 9 XSLT, XQuery and XML Schema processor from Saxonica was updated to version

Updated Apache FOP Processor to Version 1.1

Apache FOP processor was updated to version 1.1.

Updated EpubCheck to Version 3.0

Version 3.0 of EpubCheck is included in <oXygen/>. EpubCheck 3.0 supports both EPUB 2.0(1) and 3.0 validation.

Updated Calabash to Version 1.0.8

The Calabash XProc processor was updated to version 1.0.8.

Updated TEI Schemas and Stylesheets

The TEI schemas and stylesheets were updated to version 2.3.0 of the schemas and version 6.26 of the TEI stylesheets.

Updated Hunspell to Version 1.3.2

The Hunspell spell checker was updated to version 1.3.2, making possible to use the latest spelling dictionaries available. <oXygen/> makes use of the same type of dictionaries as OpenOffice or Mozilla products.