FMCS mediators, with their wealth of practical experience in all facets of conflict management and resolution, have much to contribute to the learning and research in the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). With a dedication to continuous improvement as conflict management professionals, FMCS mediators are always curious to learn from the cutting-edge research in ADR that is performed at the university level in terms of what works in helping parties manage and resolve conflict. For this reason, our Agency is always willing to consider working with universities when there is a mutual benefit to doing so.  Some ways in which we might collaborate include the sharing of experiences in:

  • Various models of mediation and their successful use in different situations.
  • Specific mediation techniques and their successful use in different situations.
  • Dispute and Conflict Management Systems Design.

In addition, FMCS is always willing to consider:

  • Training of FMCS mediators by university professors in research, theory, and practice to expand their skill sets.
  • Guest lecturing at universities by FMCS mediators.
  • Participation by FMCS mediators in university-related conferences.
  • Collaborating to further research in ADR.
  • Collaboration in the design of curricula for university courses and FMCS training programs for its customers.
  • Sharing of experiences with university ombudsmen to strengthen FMCS’s ombudsmen technical assistance programs as well as the university’s own program.
  • Collaboration on courses in furtherance of conflict coaching credentials.
  • Reciprocal facilitation of meetings and conference panels.
  • University participation in FMCS conferences, including the biennial National Labor-Management Conference.
  • University participation in the various state and regional labor-management conferences that FMCS plays a major role in administering.
  • University participation in the multitude of activities to strengthen conflict-management and resolution in the federal sector in which FMCS plays a major role.

If you represent a university and have an idea for a collaboration between FMCS and your institution, please complete the form at this link*. FMCS will review all submissions  to determine whether there is a mutual benefit to the agency and the institution, and that the project furthers the mission of FMCS, and reserves the right to not enter into collaborative arrangements based on those criteria. *Please note: The link forces you to download the form due to issues in several browsers. Please use Adobe Reader to complete and submit the form. Here are detailed instructions for opening the form in Adobe.  If you do not have Adobe Reader, please download it here.