Patent Legal Services FAQs

What services are performed under these contracts?

How many contracts are awarded by NIH and on what basis are they awarded?

What law firms have current contracts with NIH?

What is the contract award period?

Who is responsible for the NIH patent legal services contract?

Who is the NIH Contracting Officer for the current patent legal services contracts?

How would my firm know when NIH is requesting proposals for this type of requirement? Also, when would the Government make the announcement of the NIH need for "Patent Legal Services?"

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What services are performed under these contracts?

Patent-related legal services in the areas of Biotechnology, Chemistry, Mechanical Engineering, and Software.

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How many contracts are awarded by NIH and on what basis are they awarded?

The NIH makes multiple awards, Firm-Fixed Price, Time and Materials or a hybrid of the two. 

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What law firms have current contracts with NIH?

Biotechnology contracts were awarded in April 2020 to the following law firms

  1. Armstrong Teasdale LLP
  2. Fox Rothschild LLP
  3. Klarquist Sparkman, LLP
  4. Leydig, Voit, & Mayer, Ltd
  5. McBee Moore & Vanik IP, LLC
  6. McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP
  7. Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, PC
  8. Polsinelli PC
  9. Sughrue Mion, PLLC

Chemistry contracts were awarded in April 2020 to the following law firms:

  1. Cantor Colburn LLP
  2. Klarquist Sparkman LLP
  3. Leydig, Voit, & Mayer Ltd
  4. McBee Moore & Vanik IP, LLC
  5. McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP
  6. Sheridan Ross, P.C.
  7. Thomas Horstemeyer LLP

Mechanical Engineering contracts were awarded in April 2020 to the following law firms:

  1. Burns & Levinson, LLP
  2. Leydig, Voit, & Mayer Ltd
  3. McCoy Russell LLP
  4. Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, PC
  5. Sheridan Ross, P.C.

Software contracts were awarded in April 2020 to the following law firms

  1. Leydig, Voit, & Mayer Ltd
  2. Polsinelli PC
  3. Thomas Horstemeyer LLP

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What is the contract award period?

The contract is awarded for ten (10) years; a base year and nine (9) option years. The current contract is due to end in 2030.

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Who is responsible for the NIH patent legal services contract?

The contract is hosted by Office of Logistics and Acquisitions Operations (OLAO) on behalf of the NIH Technology Transfer Community. 

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Who is the NIH Contracting Officer for the current patent legal services contracts?

Mr. Lou Kuta (OLAO) is the NIH Contracting Officer and Ms. Shirlene Smith (OLAO) is the Contracting Specialist for the NIH Patent-Legal Services contract. 

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How would my firm know when NIH is requesting proposals for this type of requirement? Also, when would the Government make the announcement of the NIH need for "Patent Legal Services?"

Solicitations are published in System for Award Management (SAM) approximately six (6) months prior to the expiration of the current contracts. The actual timing of when the announcement will be posted in System for Award Management (SAM) is determined by the NIH Contracting Officer. 

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