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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Division of Medical Countermeasures Strategy and Requirements

The HHS Division of Medical Countermeasures Strategy and Requirements (MCSR) leads activities to provide medical countermeasure strategy, requirements, policy planning, and analyses for response to the medical needs of the U.S. civilian population during and after large-scale public health emergencies. Learn More >>

U.S. Flag. HHS Flag. PHS Flag.

Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise Branch
The Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise (PHEMCE) Branch is provides management and coordination of several PHEMCE governance bodies, including the Enterprise Senior Council and the Enterprise Executive Committee.  Learn More >>

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Requirements Branch
The Requirements Branch leads the development and management of scenario-based analyses, integrated capabilities documents, research requirements, and product-specific requirements documents, all of which are tied to assessments of risks to national health security.  Learn More >>

Pills in the hand of a clinician Medical Utilization and Response Integration
The Medical Utilization and Response Integration Branch augments the Department’s MCM readiness and response capability through the development of policies, strategic guidance, concept plans and other work products related to MCM dispensing and administration. Learn More >>
Group of professionals collaborating Threat Analysis and Portfolio Management
The Threat Analysis and Portfolio Management Branch works with PHEMCE partner agencies to assess threats, provide an end-to-end vision of MCMs against specific threats, and determine the types of MCMs needed for response to public health emergencies and other threats to national security. Learn More>>

  • This page last reviewed: September 24, 2014