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Privacy Act System of Records Notices

Notices Available

Government-Wide System of Records

Some Federal agencies have responsibility for one or more systems of records which are applicable Government-wide. This negates the need for DOT to publish a system notice if it maintains a record under a Government-wide system of records notice.

DOT General Routine Uses


Federal Aviation Administration

Federal Highway Administration

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

Federal Railroad Administration

Federal Transit Administration

Maritime Administration

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Office of Inspector General

Office of the Secretary

Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation

  • None published

Retired Notices

These System of Records Notices have been retired:

Notice of Systems of Records

The identification of the operating unit or units within the Department to which the particular system of records pertains appears as 'DOT' followed by a designating abbreviation. The abbreviations and their meanings are as follows:

  • OST--Office of the Secretary of Transportation
  • FAA--Federal Aviation Administration
  • FHWA--Federal Highway Administration
  • FMCSA--Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
  • FRA--Federal Railroad Administration
  • FTA--Federal Transit Administration
  • MARAD--Maritime Administration
  • NHTSA--National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
  • PHMSA--Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
  • RITA--Research and Innovative Technology Administration
  • SLS----Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation

General Routine Uses Under the Privacy Act of 1974

The following routine uses apply, except where otherwise noted or where obviously not appropriate, to each system of records maintained by the Department of Transportation, DOT.

  • In the event that a system of records maintained by DOT to carry out its functions indicates a violation or potential violation of law, whether civil, criminal or regulatory in nature, and whether arising by general statute or particular program pursuant thereto, the relevant records in the system of records may be referred, as a routine use, to the appropriate agency, whether Federal, State, local or foreign, charged with the responsibility of investigating or prosecuting such violation or charged with enforcing or implementing the statute, or rule, regulation, or order issued pursuant thereto.

  • A record from this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use, to a Federal, State, or local agency maintaining civil, criminal, or other relevant enforcement information or other pertinent information, such as current licenses, if necessary to obtain information relevant to a DOT decision concerning the hiring or retention of an employee, the issuance of a security clearance, the letting of a contract, or the issuance of a license, grant or other benefit.

  • A record from this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use, to a federal agency, in response to its request, in connection with the hiring or retention of an employee, the issuance of a security clearance, the reporting of an investigation of an employee, the letting of a contract, or the issuance of a license, grant, or other benefit by the requesting agency, to the extent that the information is relevant and necessary to the requesting agency's decision on the matter.

  • Routine Use for Disclosure for Use in Litigation. It shall be a routine use of the records in this system of records to disclose them to the Department of Justice or other Federal agency conducting litigation when

    • (a) DOT, or any agency thereof, or (b) Any employee of DOT or any agency thereof (including a member of the Coast Guard), in his/her official capacity, or (c) Any employee of DOT or any agency thereof (including a member of the Coast Guard), in his/her individual capacity where the Department of Justice has agreed to represent the employee, or (d) The United States or any agency thereof, where DOT determines that litigation is likely to affect the United States, is a party to litigation or has an interest in such litigation, and the use of such records by the Department of Justice or other Federal agency conducting the litigation is deemed by DOT to be relevant and necessary in the litigation, provided, however, that in each case, DOT determines that disclosure of the records in the litigation is a use of the information contained in the records that is compatible with the purpose for which the records were collected. 4b. Routine Use for Agency Disclosure in Other Proceedings. It shall be a routine use of records in this system to disclose them in proceedings before any court or adjudicative or administrative body before which DOT or any agency thereof, appears, when (a) DOT, or any agency thereof, or (b) Any employee of DOT or any agency thereof (including a member of the Coast Guard) in his/her official capacity, or (c) Any employee of DOT or any agency thereof (including a member of the Coast Guard) in his/her individual capacity where DOT has agreed to represent the employee, or (d) The United States or any agency thereof, where DOT determines that the proceeding is likely to affect the United States, is a party to the proceeding or has an interest in such proceeding, and DOT determines that use of such records is relevant and necessary in the proceeding, provided, however, that in each case, DOT determines that disclosure of the records in the proceeding is a use of the information contained in the records that is compatible with the purpose for which the records were collected.

  • The information contained in this system of records will be disclosed to the Office of Management and Budget, OMB in connection with the review of private relief legislation as set forth in OMB Circular No. A-19 at any stage of the legislative coordination and clearance process as set forth in that Circular.

  • Disclosure may be made to a Congressional office from the record of an individual in response to an inquiry from the Congressional office made at the request of that individual. In such cases, however, the Congressional office does not have greater rights to records than the individual. Thus, the disclosure may be withheld from delivery to the individual where the file contains investigative or actual information or other materials which are being used, or are expected to be used, to support prosecution or fines against the individual for violations of a statute, or of regulations of the Department based on statutory authority. No such limitations apply to records requested for Congressional oversight or legislative purposes; release is authorized under 49 CFR 10.35(9).

  • One or more records from a system of records may be disclosed routinely to the National Archives and Records Administration in records management inspections being conducted under the authority of 44 USC 2904 and 2906.

  • Routine Use for disclosure to Coast guard and to Transportation Security Administration. A record from this system of records may be disclosed as a routine use, to the Coast guard and to the Transportation Security Administration if information from this system was shared with either agency when that agency was a component of the Department of Transportation before its transfer to the Department of Homeland Security and such disclosure is necessary to accomplish a DOT, TSA or Coast Guard function related to this system of records.

  • DOT may make available to another agency or instrumentality of any government jurisdiction, including State and local governments, listings of names from any system of records in DOT for use in law enforcement activities, either civil or criminal, or to expose fraudulent claims, regardless of the stated purpose for the collection of the information in the system of records. These enforcement activities are generally referred to as matching programs because two lists of names are checked for match using automated assistance. This routine use is advisory in nature and does not offer unrestricted access to systems of records for such law enforcement and related antifraud activities. Each request will be considered on the basis of its purpose, merits, cost effectiveness and alternatives using Instructions on reporting computer matching programs to the Office of Management and Budget, OMB, Congress and the public, published by the Director, OMB, dated September 20, 1989.

  • It shall be a routine use of the information in any DOT system of records to provide to the Attorney General of the United States, or his/her designee, information indicating that a person meets any of the disqualifications for receipt, possession, shipment, or transport of a firearm under the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act. In case of a dispute concerning the validity of the information provided by DOT to the Attorney General, or his/her designee, it shall be a routine use of the information in any DOT system of records to make any disclosures of such information to the National Background Information Check System, established by the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, as may be necessary to resolve such dispute.

Updated: Tuesday, August 2, 2016
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