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Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture

Equine Import and Export Information

USDA APHIS regulates the importation of equines to prevent the spread of animal diseases. The following animals are included in the definition of an equine: Horses, mules, donkeys, asses, and zebras.

Bring Equine, Semen and Embryos into the U.S. (Import)

Requirements for importing horses and other equines into the United States depend on several factors:

  • where the animal resided in the 60 days prior to departure to the United States (or prior to the collection date for semen and embryos),
  • the disease status of the country of origin, and
  • the purpose for entry (competition, breeding, permanent or temporary residency)

Importing Equines: Guidance & Other Documents

In the drop down menu choose the country of origin for the horse, semen or embryos:

Take Equine, Semen and Embryos to Another Country from the U.S. (Export)

Requirements for export are set by the destination country. Choose the destination country from the dropdown menu below to review the export regulations and health certification requirements.

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