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Read how a project in Mongolia helped bring herders closer to markets and livestock services



Andrei Mikhnev

Country Manager for Mongolia, East Asia & Pacific

Jean-Pascal N. Nganou

Senior Economist for Mongolia

Erdene-Ochir Badarch

Operations Officer

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Results in Mongolia

Take a look at the results the World Bank-supported projects have achieved in Mongolia.

Open Data for Mongolia

The World Bank provides free and open access to a comprehensive set of development data in countries around the globe, including Mongolia.

Stories from Mongolia

Since 1991, the World Bank has provided more than US$800 million in development financing to Mongolia. Here you can learn how the World Bank works in Mongolia.

Mongolia's Systematic Country Diagnostic

Systematic Country Diagnostics (SCD) identify key challenges and opportunities for a country to accelerate progress towards development objectives.

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Country Office Contacts

Ulaanbaatar, +(976) 7007 8200
5th Floor, MCS Plaza Building, Seoul Street-4, Ulaanbaatar-210644
Washington, 202-473-4709
Washington DC