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Thinking about joining a clinical trial? Clinical research has led to the discovery of every disease treatment prescribed today. Read these articles to learn the benefits and risks of participating in a clinical study and how they work. By being part of a clinical trial, you may help others, including future generations, get better treatments.

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In the News


What Are Clinical Trials and Studies?

Interested in clinical research? Learn about the phases of clinical trials, why older and diverse participants are needed, and what to ask before participating.
Female researcher looking at a brain scan

Placebos in Clinical Trials

In undertaking a clinical trial, researchers don’t want to leave anything to chance. The “gold standard” for testing interventions in people is the “randomized, placebo-controlled” clinical trial.
doctor and older woman

Brain Donation: A Gift for Future Generations

Brain donation helps researchers study brain disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, that affect millions of people. Learn about why people donate their brains, the process of brain donation, and how you can enroll to make this generous gift.
Family reading: Grandparents reading a book to 3 small children who are sitting on their laps.