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James Madison Birthday Commemoration—Pics of the Week

On Thursday, March 16, 2017, the Law Library of Congress and the Library Manuscript Division commemorated James Madison’s 266th birthday. The event was held in the James Madison Memorial Building, which is the United States’ official memorial to the fourth president.

The Law Librarian of Congress, Jane Sánchez, spoke about James Madison’s contributions to the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights. She also addressed his role as an author of the Federalist Papers, alongside Alexander Hamilton and John Jay, and as the first sponsor of a library for legislators while serving in the Continental Congress.

Nathan, Law Library rare book curator, and Julie, Manuscript Division historian, presented a display of rare collection items at the event. Many of the items, such as Madison’s 1771 diploma from the then College of New Jersey (later Princeton University), are part of the James Madison Papers collection.

Below is also a picture of the cake that was served at the event. Jane cut the first slice!


Law Librarian of Congress Jane Sánchez provides remarks in James Madison Memorial Hall,  March 16, 2017. Photo by Shawn Miller.


Collection items are displayed during a celebration of President James Madison's 266th birthday in Madison Hall, March 16, 2017. Photo by Shawn Miller.

Collection items from the Manuscript Division and Law Library are displayed during the commemoration of President James Madison’s 266th birthday, March 16, 2017. Photo by Shawn Miller.


Collection items are displayed during a celebration of President James Madison's 266th birthday in Madison Hall, March 16, 2017. Photo by Shawn Miller.

James Madison’s diploma awarded to him by the College of New Jersey (later Princeton University) on October 7, 1771 was displayed during the commemoration. Photo by Shawn Miller.


A cake from the Law Library commemorates President James Madison's 266th birthday in Madison Hall, March 16, 2017. Photo by Shawn Miller.

The cake to commemorate President James Madison’s 266th birthday, March 16, 2017. Photo by Shawn Miller.


Law Librarian Jane Sanchez celebrates President James Madison's 266th birthday with staff in Madison Hall, March 16, 2017. Photo by Shawn Miller.

Law Librarian of Congress Jane Sánchez celebrates President James Madison’s 266th birthday with cake, March 16, 2017. Photo by Shawn Miller.

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