Office of Sustainability and Climate

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Performance Scorecard National Roadmap
Performance Scorecard
Starting this year, each national forest and grassland will be tracking progress using a new 10-point scorecard. The Forest Service's research branch along with regional and national programs will provide support for this agency-wide effort.

Click here to learn more
National Roadmap
The Roadmap will help to guide the Forest Service as it works to ensure that national forests and private working lands are conserved, restored, and made more resilient to climate change.

Click here to learn more

About Us

The Forest Service is a steward of many of our nation’s most treasured landscapes, and within those landscapes are resources that people need and want, such as clean air and water, recreational opportunities and forest products. Impacts from increasing climate variability, extreme weather, and other disturbances—along with changing human demands—challenge our ability to ensure that ecosystems are healthy, resilient, and thus more adaptable to changing conditions. The Office of Sustainability and Climate supports national forests and grasslands with the tools, training, and resources they need to build resliency into their landscapes in the face of a changing climate.

2016 Climate Adaptation Leadership Awards

The Climate Adaptation Leadership Award (CALA) for Natural Resources was developed to recognize exemplary adaptation efforts by federal, state, tribal, local, and non-governmental entities to reduce climate-related threats and enhance the resilience of our nation’s natural resources and the communities that depend on them. The award recognizes outstanding leadership and success by organizations and/or individuals to advance the resilience of living natural resources (fish, wildlife, and plants) in a changing climate by helping address the goals of the National Fish, Wildlife, and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy and President Obama’s Climate Action Plan. Two Forest Service employees are among the awardees this year!

  • Dr. Bruce Marcot, Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, received the Federal Government Individual Award.
  • Dr. Megan Friggins, Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station, received an honorable mention in the Federal Government Individual Category.
  • Read more about their accomplishments here.

    2016 Accomplishment Report

    Read about six years of accomplishments with the Climate Change Performance Scorecard; the Annual Greenhous Gas Report; Sustainability in Action; and the $1 Million AFFECT grant.

    Drought Webinars

    The Office of Sustainability and Climate has partnered with the USDA Climate Hubs to host a series of webinars to explore how drought affects a multitude of resources, and offer ideas on adaptation tactics and strategies. Upcoming webinars include: 

  • Drought and Rangelands - June 7
  • Drought and Urban Forests - July 25
  • Drought and Invasive Species - Sept. 14
  • Details for upcoming webinars are available here, along with links to recordings of previously held webinars.











    Other Resources

  • Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science
  • Forest Service Climate Change Research
  • Adaptation Partners
  • Contact our Staff

    Climate Change Resource Center

    The Climate Change Resource Center (CCRC) provides information and tools to land managers to address climate change in project planning and implementation. The CCRC offers educational information, decision-support models, maps, simulations, case studies, and toolkits.