
Exports of Firearms and Related Items FAQs

What types of firearms does the Department of Commerce have jurisdiction over?

The Department of Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) has jurisdiction over shotguns with a barrel length of 18 inches or more and related components. BIS also has jurisdiction over muzzle loading rifles and handguns, air guns, replica firearms, shotgun shells and components, and most optical sighting devices for firearms.

What types of firearms does the Department of State have jurisdiction over?

Department of State’s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) has jurisdiction over defense articles and services. This includes rifles and handguns and certain optical sighting devices. DDTC also has jurisdiction over shotguns under 18 inches in barrel length.

How do I get a license from BIS?

The first step in determining whether an export license is required is knowing whether the item you are intending to export has a specific Export Control Classification Number (ECCN). The ECCN is an alpha-numeric code, e.g., 0A984, that describes a particular item or type of item, and shows the controls placed on that item.

What about rifle stocks?

A rifle stock would be under the jurisdiction of the Department of State.

What is the ECCN for pellet guns?

Air guns including pellet guns, BB guns, air rifles and paintball guns are classified as EAR99.

What is the ECCN for shotgun shells and components?

Shotgun shells and components fall under ECCN 0A986. This includes primers and shot. 12 gauge shotgun blanks and 12 gauge shotgun slugs (loaded) are also under this classification. Gunpowder falls under ECCN 1C992.

What is the ECCN for buckshot shells?

Buckshot shotgun shells are classified as 0A984.

What is the ECCN for riflescopes or hunting scopes?

ECCN 0A987 controls specific sighting devices, their associated optical elements, and adjustment mechanisms. Please see the entry for a detailed description of what is controlled. Sighting devices that are not specified in this ECCN or elsewhere on the Commerce Control List, and that are not subject to the jurisdiction of the Department of State, are EAR99.

What Types of Optical Sighting Devices would be under State jurisdiction?

Those that contain night vision capabilities may be under State jurisdiction. You should first contact the State Department. Any optical sighting device mounted on a rifle is under State Department jurisdiction.

What is the ECCN for replica firearms?

Non-functioning replica firearms, whether a rifle or shotgun, are under the jurisdiction of the Department of Commerce and are classified as EAR99. Functioning replica firearms are classified in the same manner as shotguns and rifles as noted above in terms of State/Commerce jurisdiction and ECCNs, as appropriate.

What is the ECCN for stun guns?

Discharge type arms such as stun guns, shock batons, immobilization guns, and projectiles are classified under ECCN 0A985.

What is the ECCN for signal flare discharge arms?

Arms designed solely for signal, flare, or saluting use are classified as EAR99.

What does EAR99 mean?

If your item falls under U.S. Department of Commerce jurisdiction and is not listed on the CCL, it is designated as EAR99. EAR99 items generally consist of low-technology consumer goods and do not require a license in most situations. However, if your proposed export of an EAR99 item is to an embargoed country, to an end-user of concern, or in support of a prohibited end-use, you may be required to obtain a license.

Once I know the ECCN of my item, what is the next step?

Once you have determined that your item is classified under a specific ECCN, you must use the information contained in the "Reason(s) for Control" section of that ECCN in combination with the "Commerce Country Chart" (see Supplement 1 to Part 738 of the EAR) to decide whether a license is required. If there is an "X" in the box for the Reason for Control and destination country, a license is required from BIS, unless a license exception is available. If there is no "X" in the box, a license is not required unless your proposed export is to an embargoed country, to an end-user of concern, or in support of a prohibited end-use, in which case you may be required to obtain a license.

How do I submit a license application?

License applications must be submitted through SNAP-R, the on-line license application system. In order to access the SNAP-R system, you must first obtain a Company Identification Number (CIN). Obtaining a CIN is the first step toward completing your license application and must be completed in order to access the actual SNAP-R application. Instructions to complete this process can be found at the following hyperlink:

What support documents are required?

BIS requires an Import Certificate or equivalent official document for ECCNs 0A984, 0A986, or 0A987 for export to Canada, Mexico, and Central and South America per section 748.14 of the EAR. Applicants must request that their importer obtain the Import Certificate or an equivalent official document from the government of the importing country. Otherwise, a Statement by Ultimate Consignee and Purchaser (form BIS 711) is required per section 748.11 of the EAR.

Can I apply for an export license if I’m not a U.S. citizen?

Yes, however any applicant, whether a U.S. citizen or not, must be in the United States at the time a license application is submitted to BIS.

If I’m a U.S. citizen taking a shotgun to another country for recreation, do I need a license?

License Exception BAG authorizes a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident alien leaving the U.S. to export or reexport shotguns with a barrel length 18 inches or over and shotgun shells provided that not more than three shotguns may be taken on any one trip; the shotguns and shotgun shells must be with the person's baggage (may not be mailed) and they must be for the person's exclusive use for legitimate use. See section 740.14(e) of the EAR for specific requirements in the use of BAG.

Are Hunting Bows and Knives on the Commerce Control List?

Hunting bows and knives are classified as EAR99.

Exports of Shotguns to Canada

I'm a U.S. citizen taking a shotgun and shells into Canada for recreation. Do I need a license?

License Exception BAG authorizes a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident alien leaving the U.S. to export or reexport shotguns with a barrel length 18 inches or over and shotgun shells provided no more than three shotguns are taken on any one trip; the shotguns and shotgun shells must be with the person's baggage (may not be mailed) and they must be for the person's exclusive legitimate use. See section 740.14(e) of the EAR for specific requirements in the use of BAG.

If I’m a non-U.S. citizen returning from the U.S. to Canada with my shotguns and shotgun shells, do I need an export license?

License Exception BAG allows a nonresident alien leaving the U.S. to export or reexport shotguns and shotgun shells he or she has brought into the United States under the provisions of the Department of Justice Regulations. See section 740.14(e) of the EAR for specific requirements in the use of BAG.

Do I need a license if I’m taking a shotgun and shotgun shells I purchased in the United States back to Canada?

Yes, a license is required to export to Canada shotguns and related firearms purchased in the United States.

Can I apply for an export license if I’m not a U.S. citizen?

Yes, however any applicant, whether a U.S. citizen or not, must be in the United States at the time a license application is submitted to BIS.

How do I get the International Import Certificate from Canada to support an export license application of shotguns?

Contact the following:

Export and Import Controls Bureau

Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade

125 Sussex Drive

Ottawa, Ontario K1A0 G2

ATTN: EICS Help Desk

at 1-877-808-8838



Are there any other requirements for importing shotguns and related firearms under Commerce jurisdiction from Canada to the United States?

Please consult with the proper authorities when exporting such items from Canada and importing them into the United States to determine requirements. For example, prior to importing firearms into the United States, you should contact the U.S. Department of Justice's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms regarding import permits at . You should also contact Canada's Export and Import Permits Bureau regarding export permits at 613-996-2387 or go to


Exports of Firearms and Related Items FAQs

What types of firearms does the Department of Commerce have jurisdiction over?

The Department of Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) has jurisdiction over shotguns with a barrel length of 18 inches or more and related components. BIS also has jurisdiction over muzzle loading rifles and handguns, air guns, replica firearms, shotgun shells and components, and most optical sighting devices for firearms.

What types of firearms does the Department of State have jurisdiction over?

Department of State’s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) has jurisdiction over defense articles and services. This includes rifles and handguns and certain optical sighting devices. DDTC also has jurisdiction over shotguns under 18 inches in barrel length.

How do I get a license from BIS?

The first step in determining whether an export license is required is knowing whether the item you are intending to export has a specific Export Control Classification Number (ECCN). The ECCN is an alpha-numeric code, e.g., 0A984, that describes a particular item or type of item, and shows the controls placed on that item.

What about rifle stocks?

A rifle stock would be under the jurisdiction of the Department of State.

What is the ECCN for pellet guns?

Air guns including pellet guns, BB guns, air rifles and paintball guns are classified as EAR99.

What is the ECCN for shotgun shells and components?

Shotgun shells and components fall under ECCN 0A986. This includes primers and shot. 12 gauge shotgun blanks and 12 gauge shotgun slugs (loaded) are also under this classification. Gunpowder falls under ECCN 1C992.

What is the ECCN for buckshot shells?

Buckshot shotgun shells are classified as 0A984.

What is the ECCN for riflescopes or hunting scopes?

ECCN 0A987 controls specific sighting devices, their associated optical elements, and adjustment mechanisms. Please see the entry for a detailed description of what is controlled. Sighting devices that are not specified in this ECCN or elsewhere on the Commerce Control List, and that are not subject to the jurisdiction of the Department of State, are EAR99.

What Types of Optical Sighting Devices would be under State jurisdiction?

Those that contain night vision capabilities may be under State jurisdiction. You should first contact the State Department. Any optical sighting device mounted on a rifle is under State Department jurisdiction.

What is the ECCN for replica firearms?

Non-functioning replica firearms, whether a rifle or shotgun, are under the jurisdiction of the Department of Commerce and are classified as EAR99. Functioning replica firearms are classified in the same manner as shotguns and rifles as noted above in terms of State/Commerce jurisdiction and ECCNs, as appropriate.

What is the ECCN for stun guns?

Discharge type arms such as stun guns, shock batons, immobilization guns, and projectiles are classified under ECCN 0A985.

What is the ECCN for signal flare discharge arms?

Arms designed solely for signal, flare, or saluting use are classified as EAR99.

What does EAR99 mean?

If your item falls under U.S. Department of Commerce jurisdiction and is not listed on the CCL, it is designated as EAR99. EAR99 items generally consist of low-technology consumer goods and do not require a license in most situations. However, if your proposed export of an EAR99 item is to an embargoed country, to an end-user of concern, or in support of a prohibited end-use, you may be required to obtain a license.

Once I know the ECCN of my item, what is the next step?

Once you have determined that your item is classified under a specific ECCN, you must use the information contained in the "Reason(s) for Control" section of that ECCN in combination with the "Commerce Country Chart" (see Supplement 1 to Part 738 of the EAR) to decide whether a license is required. If there is an "X" in the box for the Reason for Control and destination country, a license is required from BIS, unless a license exception is available. If there is no "X" in the box, a license is not required unless your proposed export is to an embargoed country, to an end-user of concern, or in support of a prohibited end-use, in which case you may be required to obtain a license.

How do I submit a license application?

License applications must be submitted through SNAP-R, the on-line license application system. In order to access the SNAP-R system, you must first obtain a Company Identification Number (CIN). Obtaining a CIN is the first step toward completing your license application and must be completed in order to access the actual SNAP-R application. Instructions to complete this process can be found at the following hyperlink:

What support documents are required?

BIS requires an Import Certificate or equivalent official document for ECCNs 0A984, 0A986, or 0A987 for export to Canada, Mexico, and Central and South America per section 748.14 of the EAR. Applicants must request that their importer obtain the Import Certificate or an equivalent official document from the government of the importing country. Otherwise, a Statement by Ultimate Consignee and Purchaser (form BIS 711) is required per section 748.11 of the EAR.

Can I apply for an export license if I’m not a U.S. citizen?

Yes, however any applicant, whether a U.S. citizen or not, must be in the United States at the time a license application is submitted to BIS.

If I’m a U.S. citizen taking a shotgun to another country for recreation, do I need a license?

License Exception BAG authorizes a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident alien leaving the U.S. to export or reexport shotguns with a barrel length 18 inches or over and shotgun shells provided that not more than three shotguns may be taken on any one trip; the shotguns and shotgun shells must be with the person's baggage (may not be mailed) and they must be for the person's exclusive use for legitimate use. See section 740.14(e) of the EAR for specific requirements in the use of BAG.

Are Hunting Bows and Knives on the Commerce Control List?

Hunting bows and knives are classified as EAR99.

Exports of Shotguns to Canada

I'm a U.S. citizen taking a shotgun and shells into Canada for recreation. Do I need a license?

License Exception BAG authorizes a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident alien leaving the U.S. to export or reexport shotguns with a barrel length 18 inches or over and shotgun shells provided no more than three shotguns are taken on any one trip; the shotguns and shotgun shells must be with the person's baggage (may not be mailed) and they must be for the person's exclusive legitimate use. See section 740.14(e) of the EAR for specific requirements in the use of BAG.

If I’m a non-U.S. citizen returning from the U.S. to Canada with my shotguns and shotgun shells, do I need an export license?

License Exception BAG allows a nonresident alien leaving the U.S. to export or reexport shotguns and shotgun shells he or she has brought into the United States under the provisions of the Department of Justice Regulations. See section 740.14(e) of the EAR for specific requirements in the use of BAG.

Do I need a license if I’m taking a shotgun and shotgun shells I purchased in the United States back to Canada?

Yes, a license is required to export to Canada shotguns and related firearms purchased in the United States.

Can I apply for an export license if I’m not a U.S. citizen?

Yes, however any applicant, whether a U.S. citizen or not, must be in the United States at the time a license application is submitted to BIS.

How do I get the International Import Certificate from Canada to support an export license application of shotguns?

Contact the following:

Export and Import Controls Bureau

Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade

125 Sussex Drive

Ottawa, Ontario K1A0 G2

ATTN: EICS Help Desk

at 1-877-808-8838



Are there any other requirements for importing shotguns and related firearms under Commerce jurisdiction from Canada to the United States?

Please consult with the proper authorities when exporting such items from Canada and importing them into the United States to determine requirements. For example, prior to importing firearms into the United States, you should contact the U.S. Department of Justice's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms regarding import permits at . You should also contact Canada's Export and Import Permits Bureau regarding export permits at 613-996-2387 or go to

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