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2014 Farm Bill | Agriculture Conservation Experienced Services | NRCS

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Through the Agriculture Conservation Experienced Services (ACES) Program, experienced workers, age 55 and over, help NRCS employees provide technical services in support of conservation.

What's New in ACES?

ACES was expanded to include all Title 12 Farm Bill Programs with the exception of CRP.


NRCS enters into agreements with nonprofit organizations that provide ACES workers on a part-time or full-time basis.
NRCS provides funds, office space, position descriptions, work assignments and oversight for the ACES positions, while the nonprofit organization handles advertising, recruiting, hiring and payroll for each position. Available positions span a variety of skill sets and educational levels.  In addition to wages, NRCS covers administrative fees such as federal payroll tax, unemployment compensation, and pay increases. ACES enrollees are neither federal employees nor state agriculture department employees, and their wages do not impact retirement annuities.


Applicants must be age 55 and over and able to provide services and skills required for the jobs advertised on the web sites of the three non-profits with which NRCS has national cooperative agreements: Senior Service America, Inc., National Asian Pacific Center on Aging, and National Older Worker Career Center.

National and state budget priorities determine which NRCS offices participate in the ACES program.

How to Apply

Applicants should check the web sites of the nonprofit partners for available positions:

More Information

ACES Fact Sheet (PDF, 1.4MB)

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