Commodity Operations

Commodity Operations

Program Mission

Support domestic farm commodity programs through accurate price discovery of program crops and effectively manage Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) interests and commodities


  • Administer the U.S. Warehouse Act
  • Provide expertise in the development and delivery of safe and nutritious food assistance products
  • Implement statutory mandates and achieve department goals for preference programs through procurement activities 
  • Ensure timely and economic provision of high-quality, safe food products to domestic and international humanitarian food assistance programs 
  • Purchase and deliver processed commodities under domestic distribution programs such as the National School Lunch Program, Commodity Supplemental Food Program, Food Distribution on Indian Reservation Program and the Disaster Assistance Program. 
  • Purchase and Deliver commodities to foreign countries under Titles II and III of Public Law 480, Food for Progress and Section 416(b) of the Agricultural Act of 1949 and the McGovern-Dole Food for Education Act, through private voluntary organizations, World government transfers. 
  • Purchase from vendors or processors Milk Price Support program commodities such as butter, cheese, and nonfat dry milk from vendors or processors. 
  • Acquire and dispose of commodities pledged as collateral for marketing assistance loans such as wheat, corn, soybeans, oilseeds, cotton, peanuts, and other commodities. 
  • Establish posted county prices for locations throughout the U.S. to develop loan rates, loan deficiency payments, and marketing assistance loan payments. 
  • Market, manage and regularly analyze the location, condition, and quantity of CCC inventories such as cotton, grain, oilseeds, peanuts, nonfat dry milk, and rice. 
  • Administer the CCC Storage Agreements for grain, rice, cotton, processed commodities, sugar, and peanuts. 
  • Administer the U.S. Warehouse Act and perform warehouse examinations and audits in support of USWA and CCC programs. 
  • Prepare claims and adjudicate debts by and against CCC resulting from export and domestic transportation and warehouse losses.