What We Do

The OIG Hotline receives information from Postal Service employees, customers, and the general public. It is an important avenue for reporting fraud, waste, and misconduct. We review the information received to identify systemic and criminal issues and potential areas for postal-wide reviews. We are primarily responsible for receiving and evaluating concerns and complaints, and determining which OIG area would best conduct any appropriate inquiry or investigation.

To expedite your request, we want to make sure you reach the correct agency or department to help you. Often, requests and questions we receive do not fall within the jurisdiction of the Office of the Inspector General, so you may be directed to the U.S. Postal Service or the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, depending on which can best address your request. Find the right place to go by looking at our list of links that can point you in the right direction based on what you’re looking for.

Additional information can also be found on the Hotline Helpful Links page.

Please read the below carefully before filling out our Hotline form. We want to ensure you are reporting your concern or inquiry to the right office, so it is handled in a timely manner. 

What to expect after you file a Hotline complaint: 

  • Unless you are contacted directly by one of our investigators, there will be no communication from our office, outside of the confirmation that the Hotline received your complaint, and which may advise you that your matter has been referred to another entity for appropriate action, where and if applicable.
  • Federal regulations prohibit the disclosure of information contained in investigative and law enforcement records, even to the individual submitting the allegation(s).
  • Our office will NOT provide anyone, including the source of the complaint, with the status of action(s) taken on any allegation.  This includes details pertaining to the processing of your complaint.  The information you provide will be handled according to our internal policies and guidelines, and appropriate action will be taken, as determined.
  • Once a file is closed, typically 30 -- 60 days after filing, results may be requested under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).”

What the USPS OIG Hotline CANNOT assist you with

  • Daily mail delivery and tracking problems: Please contact your local post office, your local Postal Service Consumer Affairs office or you may file a complaint online.
  • Post Office customer service issues and concerns: Please contact your local post office, your local Postal Service Consumer Affairs office or you may file a complaint online.
  • Day-to-day management decisions.
  • EEO Complaints (for Postal Service employees only): For more information click here.
  • Issues that are handled by the grievance process
  • Issues handled by other government agencies such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Department of Labor (DOL), Justice Department (DOJ), Office of Personnel Management (OPM).
  • Employee benefits and compensation (for Postal Service employees only): For more information click here

For help on these or other issues, please click here.

What to Report to Us

The Hotline will take complaints regarding fraud, waste, and misconduct within the Postal Service. To report mail fraud schemes, vandalism and mail theft by a customer please contact the U.S. Postal Inspection Service

What the USPS OIG Hotline CAN assist you with

  • Injury compensation fraud
  • Embezzlements and financial crimes
  • Contract Fraud
  • Kickbacks
  • Computer Crimes
  • Narcotics
  • Employee Misconduct
  • Internal affairs and executive investigations
  • Whistleblower reprisal
  • Theft of items from the mail by Postal employees or contractors
  • Destruction of mail by Postal employees or contractors

How to File a Complaint

The preferred method for filing a complaint with our office is to use our online complaint form
You can also send us your complaint by mail to: 
1735 North Lynn Street 
Arlington, VA 22209-2020

About the OIG Video

We don’t collect any personally identifiable information unless you choose to provide it. The collection of this information, which will be used principally for investigations or audits into fraud, waste, and abuse in connection with the programs and operations of the U.S. Postal Service (USPS), is authorized by 39 U.S.C. § 404, 18 U.S.C. § 3061, and 5 USC App. § 3. If you choose to provide this information, we will protect it under The Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. § 552a) and we won’t disclose your identity without your consent unless it is unavoidable. However, the information you provide may be disclosed to other parties in some limited circumstances, including: 1) For law enforcement purposes; 2) In legal proceedings involving USPS or the USPS OIG; 3) At the request of Congress; 4) To employees and contractors who need the information to do their jobs; 5) To other government agencies for personnel matters or security clearances or decisions to issue licenses, grants or other benefits; 6) To a person who shows that the information is needed to prevent death or serious injury; 7) To the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Office of Special Counsel or Merit Systems Protection Board, pursuant to a complaint; 8) To other federal offices of inspectors general so those offices can perform integrity and efficiency peer-reviews of our agency. If you’d like additional details about when and how we disclose information to third parties, please see our Privacy Page (Link). While providing information is voluntary, the OIG may not be able to address your complaint if sufficient information is not provided.