3D Printed Typhoon Malakas


Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to some of the more frequently asked questions about the GPM and TRMM missions and precipitation measurement in general.

Image Gallery

Photos and illustrations from GPM, TRMM, and the Ground Validation missions.

Video Gallery

Videos and animations from GPM, TRMM, and the Ground Validation missions.


View the PMM document repository, in which you can download scientific papers and other documents from GPM, TRMM, and the Ground Validation missions.

GPM Refereed Publications

TRMM Refereed Publications

Lists of published research articles from the GPM & TRMM missions.

3D Printed GPM Precipitation Data

Get models of hurricanes and other storms to print on your 3D printer. 

Precipitation Education

A resource for both teachers and students, learn about the basics of precipitation measurement and get lessons which can be used in the classroom.

Media & Press Resources

Information about the Precipitation Measurement Missions for the press and media, including ready-to-use press material, and examples of PMM in the news.

All Articles

Collection of all articles posted to the GPM website. 

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