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Air Operating Permits Under the FARR

Non-Title V Operating Permits

The Federal Air Rules for Reservations (FARR) establishes a non-Title V operating permit program for air pollution sources on Indian reservations in Idaho, Oregon and Washington.

Am I required to get a permit?

We will notify you in writing if you are required to get a non-Title V operating permit. The FARR allows EPA to issue a permit to any air pollution source for which we determine that additional federally-enforceable requirements are necessary to ensure compliance with the implementation plan or to ensure attainment and maintenance of any national ambient air quality standard or prevention of significant deterioration increment. 

What if I already have a non-Title V operating permit? 

Until August 30, 2011, the FARR also allowed owners and operators to voluntarily apply for a permit that sets federally-enforceable limits on their actual emissions or potential to emit. Operating permits with these types of conditions are often referred to as "synthetic minor permits."

Sources that have been issued a non-Title V synthetic minor permit can continue to operate under their permit, and they may request a modification of their permit if the modification is not subject to the minor new source review program.

Can I request a permit for my facility?

After August 30, 2011, sources wishing to obtain a federally-enforceable limitation on their actual emissions or potential to emit must apply for a minor new source review permit.

FARR rule for Non-Title V operating permits


Contact Doug Hardesty (, 208-378-5759.