About the Project
About the Project



Pursuant to Title 17 USC 105, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), United States Department of Commerce, is authorized to receive and hold copyrights transferred to it by assignment or otherwise. Authors of the works appearing in the Digital Library of Mathematical Functions (DLMF) have assigned copyright to the works to NIST, United States Department of Commerce, as represented by the Secretary of Commerce. All materials on this website are owned by NIST.

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While NIST has made every effort to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information in the DLMF, the DLMF is expressly provided “AS-IS.” NIST makes NO WARRANTY OF ANY TYPE, including no warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. NIST makes no warranties or representations as to the correctness, accuracy, or reliability of the DLMF. As a condition of using the DLMF, you explicitly release NIST from any and all liabilities for any damage of any type that may result from errors or omissions in the DLMF.

Certain products, commercial and otherwise, are mentioned in the DLMF. These mentions are for informational purposes only, and do not imply recommendation or endorsement by NIST.

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The information we receive depends upon what you do when visiting our site. We collect no personally identifying information about you when you visit our site, unless you choose to provide that information to us.

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Software Indexing Policy

The DLMF wishes to provide users of special functions with essential reference information related to the use and application of special functions in research, development, and education. Using special functions in applications often requires computing them. Thus, we seek to provide DLMF users with links to sources of such software. We do this in two ways.

Index of Selected Software Within the DLMF Chapters

Within each of the DLMF chapters themselves we will provide a list of research software for the functions discussed in that chapter. The purpose of these listings is to provide references to the research literature on the engineering of software for special functions. To qualify for listing, the development of the software must have been the subject of a research paper published in the peer-reviewed literature. If such software is available online for free download we will provide a link to the software.

In general, we will not index other software within DLMF chapters unless the software is unique in some way, such as being the only known software for computing a particular function.

Master Software Index

In association with the DLMF we will provide an index of all software for the computation of special functions covered by the DLMF. It is our intention that this will become an exhaustive list of sources of software for special functions. In each case we will maintain a single link where readers can obtain more information about the listed software. We welcome requests from software authors (or distributors) for new items to list.

Note that here we will only include software with capabilities that go beyond the computation of elementary functions in standard precisions since such software is nearly universal in scientific computing environments.

These software indexes are provided as a service to the user community. NIST expressly does not endorse or recommend any specific product or service. The absence of a listing does not imply that software is unsuitable for its intended purpose. NIST does not provide support of any kind for software indexed in the DLMF. Please contact us if you have software that you believe should be listed.