Executive Office

Camille Hoover, Executive Office
Executive Officer
Photo of Elise Goodwin
Deputy Executive Officer

The NIDDK Executive Office (EO) is the focal point for the Institute’s administrative infrastructure and functions. The office provides strategic leadership, direction, oversight and consultation on critical business and management operations in support of the NIDDK mission, and oversees administrative management, financial management, acquisitions and purchasing, ethics, information technology, and workforce development and planning. It also develops and implements administrative policies, procedures, and risk management programs.


The vision of the Executive Office is to build bridges and to partner with the scientists; to be a high-functioning, problem solving team so that when our customers come to us with a problem, they know it will be taken care of immediately.

Core Values

The Executive Office is guided by the following core values.

  • Excellence - Strive for quality, excellence, and continuous improvement.  Provide exceptional customer service; go beyond what is expected.
  • Integrity - Promote the highest standards of ethics, integrity, and transparency to instill trust among colleagues and customers.  Be accountable for words and actions.
  • Diversity - Foster inclusion and cultural competence through an environment that is open and welcoming to diverse people, ideas, and perspectives.  Show respect for others.
  • Collaboration - Build on the strengths of our people and partnerships.  Seek out the experience and insight of colleagues.  Be receptive and responsive to those seeking the same.

Offices and Staff

The Executive Office is comprised of the following offices. Staff and contact information is available in the Staff Directory. 

Administrative Management Branches

Office of the Director Administrative Management Branch (ODAMB)

The Office of the Director Administrative Management Branch (ODAMB) coordinates general administrative and management policies and procedures that impact the Institute’s Office of the Director (OD). Administrative staff provides overall administrative support services in the areas of travel, procurement, personnel, budget, timekeeping, property, space, I.D. badges, parking and general administration to its assigned areas efficiently and effectively contributing to the mission of the NIDDK.

View ODAMB staff and contact information.

Extramural Administrative Management Branch (EAMB)

The Extramural Administrative Management Branch (EAMB) coordinates general administrative and management policies and procedures that impact the Institute’s extramural divisions (DEA). Administrative staff provides overall administrative support services in the areas of travel, procurement, personnel, budget, timekeeping, property, space, I.D. badges, parking and general administration to its assigned areas efficiently and effectively contributing to the mission of the NIDDK.

View EAMB staff and contact information.

Intramural Administrative Management Branch (IAMB)

The Intramural Administrative Management Branch (IAMB) coordinates general administrative and management policies and procedures that impact the Institute’s Division of Intramural Research (DIR). Administrative staff provides overall administrative support services in the areas of travel, procurement, personnel, budget, timekeeping, property, space, I.D. badges, parking and general administration to its assigned areas and individual laboratories efficiently and effectively contributing to the mission of the NIDDK.

View IAMB staff and contact information.

Purchasing Office (PO)

The Purchasing Office (PO) provides guidance for delegated simplified acquisitions of supplies and services in support of the NIDDK mission. Staff provide advice and assistance regarding all phases of the acquisition life cycle from planning to close out for delegated acquisitions and are the liaisons to represent NIDDK within the NIH Acquisition Community.

View PO staff and contact information.

Computer Technology Branch (CTB)

The Computer Technology Branch (CTB) provides information technology (IT) leadership and solutions and handles a wide range of IT support activities such as help desk, network connectivity, database management, web development, user training, and network security. Through the use of a myriad of technological advances, CTB serves to insure that computing at NIDDK is efficient, secure, and is a useful tool towards the accomplishment of the Institute’s mission.

View CTB staff and contact information.

Ethics Office

The Ethics Office provides services to assist NIDDK staff in preventing actual conflicts of interest and even the appearance of conflicts of interest. This office provides advice and counseling on a variety of standards and conduct rules meant to protect the integrity of the Federal Government; provides education and training, and ensures that staff maintain compliance with ethics statutes and regulations. The Ethics Office manages a comprehensive program that includes conflicts identification and resolution; administering public and confidential financial disclosure reporting systems; activities with outside organizations, gifts, political activities, sponsored travel, impartiality, seeking other employment, and other program issues. For more information, please see: http://ethics.od.nih.gov/.

View Ethics Office staff and contact information.

Office of Financial Management and Analysis (OFMA)

The Office of Financial Management and Analysis (OFMA) plans, presents, justifies, and executes all of the financial management activities at the NIDDK. These activities include Grants, Research and Development (R&D) Contracts, Research Management and Support (RMS), Gift Funds, Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADA), and royalties. OFMA optimizes the use of funds according to the Institute’s priorities within existing DHHS and NIH restrictions and advises the Office of the Director and other senior staff on all aspects of the management of Institute financial resources. OFMA establishes a system of effective controls for funds used through the various Institute programs and maintains data systems to provide required government reporting on accounting practices.

View OFMA staff and contact information.

Office of Workforce and Strategic Planning (OWSP)

The Office of Workforce and Strategic Planning (OWSP) oversees the activities of both the Office of Management and Policy Analysis (OMPA) and the Office of Workforce Development and Planning (OWDP).

View OWSP staff and contact information.

Office of Management and Policy Analysis (OMPA)

The Office of Management and Policy Analysis (OMPA) is responsible for NIDDK-wide implementation of trans-NIH standards and oversight in the areas of Risk Management, Emergency Management, Records Management, Privacy, Policy Analysis, and Project Clearance. OMPA advises the Institute’s senior leadership on implementation and management of federal, departmental and NIH administrative management requirements by conducting broad-based management assessment of program areas and recommending solutions. OMPA also analyzes and visualizes business and workforce data to tell a story and help NIDDK senior leaders make data-driven decisions. Additionally, the OMPA team assists with creating, administering, analyzing, and reporting on surveys.

View OMPA staff and contact information.

Office of Workforce Development and Planning (OWDP)

The Office of Workforce Development and Planning (OWDP) provides human resources and advisory services to NIDDK managers, supervisors, and employees in the areas of recruitment and retention of staff, training, employee relations, performance management, awards, equal opportunity and diversity management, quality of work life, telework and onboarding. OWDP strives to ensure that NIDDK has the depth and breadth of talented and skilled employees in support of the Institute’s mission.

View OWDP staff and contact information.