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Budget & Legislative Information

NIDDK participates in a variety of budget and legislative activities. Several of these activities are outlined below, along with legislation related to the Institute.

Congressional Budget Justifications

NIDDK submits a Congressional Budget Justification annually in support of the President's Budget Request. This document details NIDDK's mission, research priorities, and budget-related activities for the upcoming federal fiscal year (FY).  The FY runs from October 1 until the following September 30.  More than 80 percent of the NIDDK’s funding is awarded through competitive grants to researchers and students at universities, medical schools, small businesses, and other research institutions across the Nation. About 10 percent of NIDDK’s budget funds additional research at NIDDK’s own laboratories on NIH’s Bethesda, Maryland, campus, and in Phoenix, Arizona.

View recent Congressional Budget Justifications below.

Additional information on the Congressional Budget Justifications is available through the NIH Office of Budget.

Congressional Testimony

Occasionally NIDDK subject matter experts are asked to testify before Congress. NIDDK recently provided the following testimony to Congressional committees.

Legislation Related to NIDDK

Major legislation related to NIDDK is in the Public Health Service Act. Examples are provided below.

NIDDK Establishment and Authorization

NIDDK was created in 1950 as the National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases. The Institute was renamed several times and is currently authorized under the Public Health Service (PHS) Act, sections 426-434. Key provisions of the PHS Act include authorizing:

Special Statutory Funding Program for Type 1 Diabetes Research

NIDDK manages the Special Statutory Funding Program for Type 1 Diabetes Research on behalf of the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. The Program supplements funds HHS receives annually from Congress and supports additional research on type 1 diabetes and its complications. The Program is currently authorized through the Public Health Service Act, Section 330B.

View all Public Laws (P.L.) that provided funding for the Program.

Other Legislation Related to NIDDK

National Clinical Care Commission Act 2017 (P.L. 115-80) – This law establishes a National Clinical Care Commission within the Department of Health and Human Services to evaluate and make recommendations regarding improvements to the coordination and leveraging of federal programs related to complex metabolic or autoimmune diseases that result from issues related to insulin and represent a significant disease burden (e.g., diabetes).