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1- 888-OIG-EXIM (1-888-644-3946)
By E-mail: IGhotline@exim.gov

To learn more on how to detect fraudulent export deals, see Red Flags for EXIM Transactions (PDF iconOIG-Ex-Im-Red-Flags-of-Fraud-Checklist.pdf).


What's New

Special Report - November 24, 2020
Final Purchase Card Risk Assessment Memorandum (OIG-O-21-01)

Semiannual Report to Congress
OIG Seminannual Report (April 1, 2020 - Sept 30, 2020)

November 13, 2020 – Fiscal Year 2020 Financial Statements Audit Management Letter (OIG-AR-21-02)*

November 13, 2020 – Audit of the Export-Import Bank of the United States Fiscal Year 2020 Financial Statements (OIG-AR-21-01)

September 30, 2020 - Audit of EXIM’s Suspension and Debarment Program (OIG-AR-20-06)

Semiannual Report to Congress
OIG Semiannual Report (Oct 1, 2019 – Mar 31, 2020)

May 11, 2020 - Independent Auditors’ Report on EXIM’s FY 2019 Payment Integrity Annual Reporting Compliance with Improper Payment Laws (OIG-AR-20-05)

February 10, 2020 - FY 2021 Congressional Budget Justification

January 13, 2020 - Independent Audit of EXIM's Information Security Program Effectiveness for Fiscal Year 2019 (OIG-AR-20-04)*

December 2, 2019 - Evaluation of EXIM's Portfolio Risk Management Procedures and CRO Responsibilities (OIG-EV-20-01)

Semiannual Report to Congress
OIG Semiannual Report (Apr 1, 2019 – Sep 30, 2019)

November 14, 2019 - Fiscal Year 2019 Financial Statements Audit Management Letter (OIG-AR-20-03)*

November 13, 2019 - Audit of the Export-Import Bank of the United States Fiscal Year 2019 Financial Statements (OIG-AR-20-02)

November 8, 2019 - Independent Auditors’ Report on EXIM’s DATA Act Submission (OIG-AR-20-01)

September 19, 2019 - Final Purchase Card Risk Assessment Memorandum (OIG-O-19-02)

August 1, 2019 - EXIM OIG’s Plan for Orderly Shutdown in the Event of Lapse in Appropriations

June 19, 2019 - Evaluation of EXIM’s Credit Loss Factor Model and Loss Reserve Process (OIG-EV-19-03)*

OIG Semiannual Report (October 1, 2018 – March 31, 2019)

Special Report - May 23, 2019 - EXIM's Implementation of Key Provisions of the 2015 Reform and Reauthorization Act (OIG-O-19-01)

March 15, 2019 - Export-Import Bank of the United States Office of Inspector General FY 2020 Congressional Budget Justification

March 15, 2019 - CIGIE Women In Leadership Forum

March 13, 2019 - Independent Audit of EXIM’s Information Security Program Effectiveness for FY 2018 (OIG-AR-19-03)*

Plan for Orderly Termination of EXIM Office of the Inspector General Operations in the Event of Failure to Enact Regular Appropriations or a Continuing Resolution December 18, 2018

Semiannual Report to Congress
OIG Semiannual Report (Apr 1, 2018 – Sep 30, 2018)

Evaluation Report – November 27, 2018
Evaluation of EXIM’s Small Business Strategy (OIG-EV-19-02)*

Evaluation Report – November 27, 2018
Evaluation of EXIM’s Additionality Policy and Procedures (OIG-EV-19-01)*

Audit Report – November 15, 2018
Audit of the Export-Import Bank of the United States Fiscal Year 2018 Financial Statements (OIG-AR-19-01)

Audit Report – September 26, 2018
Audit of the EXIM’s Medium-Term Early Problem Credits (OIG-AR-18-06)*

Inspection Report – September 26, 2018
Inspection of EXIM’s 2014 Transaction with Kenya Airways (OIG-INS-18-01)*

Special Report – September 26, 2018
Risk Assessment of EXIM’s Purchase Card Program

Inspections and Evaluations Peer Review – September 25, 2018
External Peer Review Report on the Export-Import Bank of the United States Office of Inspector General Inspection and Evaluation Organization

Audit Report – May, 2018
Independent Auditors' Report on EXIM's FY 2017 Payment Integrity Annual Reporting Compliance with Improper Payment (OIG-AR-18-05)

Audit Report – March 8, 2018
Independent Audit of EXIM's Information Security Program Effectiveness for FY 2017 (OIG-AR-18-04)

Audit Report – February 26, 2018
Fiscal Year 2017 Financial Statement Audit Management Letter

Operations Plan – January 19, 2018
Operations Plan in the Absence of Current Year Appropriation – January 19, 2018

Audit Report – December 14, 2017
Audit of the Export-Import Bank of the United States Fiscal Year 2017 Financial Statements

Semiannual Report to Congress
OIG Semiannual Report (Apr 1, 2017 – Sep 30, 2017)

Audit Report – November 8, 2017
Independent Auditors Report on EXIM's DATA Act Submission

Evaluation Report – Sept 29, 2017
Report on EXIM's Local Cost Policy and Procedures

Special Report – Sept 29, 2017
Risk Assessment of EXIM's Purchase Card Program

Audit Report – Sept 29, 2017
Audit of EXIM's Disbursement Processes

Investigations Peer Review – Sep 11, 2017
Report on the Quality Assessment Review of the Investigative Operations of the Office of Inspector General for the Export-Import Bank of the U.S.

Audit Peer Review – Sep 8, 2017
External Peer Review Report on the Export-Import Bank of the United States Office of Inspector General Audit Organization

Evaluation Report - Aug 30, 2017
Report on Transportation Portfolio Management Division's Risk Rating Process

Press Release – August 28, 2017
Lima man charged with falsely overstating assets to bank

Semiannual Report to Congress
OIG Semiannual Report (Oct 1, 2016 - Mar 31, 2017)

Evaluation Report - May 11, 2017
Report on EXIM's Compliance with the Improper Payments Laws for Fiscal Year 2016 Reporting

Evaluation Report - Mar 30, 2017
Report on EXIM's Credit Guarantee Facility Program

Evaluation Report - Mar 30, 2017
Report on EXIM's Activities in Preparation for and During its Lapse in Authorization

Audit Report - Mar 15, 2017
Independent Audit of EXIM's Information Security Program for Fiscal Year 2016

Audit Report - Mar 6, 2017
Fiscal Year 2016 - Financial Statement Audit - Management Letter

Evaluation Report - Dec 2, 2016
Evaluation of Risk Management Procedures and Chief Risk Officer Responsibilities


Ex-Im Bank Office of Inspector General

  • Promotes economy, efficiency and effectiveness in Ex-Im Bank programs and supporting operations;
  • Conducts and supervises audits, investigations, inspections and reviews relating to Ex-Im Bank's export credit insurance, guaranty and loan programs and supporting operations;
  • Detects and prevents fraud, waste and abuse;
  • Reviews existing and proposed legislation and regulations and makes appropriate recommendations; and
  • Keeps the Chairman and Congress informed of serious problems and recommends corrective actions and implementation measures.

The OIG also carries out other significant statutory responsibilities and Government-wide mandates in areas such as management, financial reporting, information security and privacy. The Ex-Im Bank Inspector General is a member of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE).

Inspector General (IG) Act Overview

In brief, the IG Act of 1978 grants the OIG administrative authority to:

  • Receive full access to all records and materials available to Ex-Im Bank;
  • Determine which audits, investigations, inspections and reviews are necessary and issue appropriate reports;
  • Issue subpoenas for non-Federal records and take oaths;
  • Receive complaints and reports of fraud, waste and abuse from employees and the public, protect confidentiality of sources and, when necessary, refer matters to the United States Attorney General;
  • Hire employees, experts and consultants and procure necessary equipment and services;
  • Obtain assistance from other agencies, including Federal, State and local governments;
  • Communicate directly with Congress;
  • Deliver semiannual reports to Congress reporting on the activities of the OIG, including the response of management to recommendations made by the OIG and
  • Enter into contracts.

Other Authority

The Government Corporations Control Act of 1990 provides that the financial statements of Ex-Im Bank, as a government corporation, shall be audited by the Inspector General or by an independent external auditor, as determined by the Inspector General.


The Inspector General is appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, without regard to political affiliation and solely on the basis of integrity and demonstrated ability. The Inspector General may only be removed by the President, who is required to provide notice to Congress. The Inspector General is under the general supervision of the Chairman, but that authority applies only to general matters of administration and does not include authority for the Chairman or any other officer, director or employee of Ex-Im Bank to supervise or interfere in any audit, investigation or oversight matter undertaken by the OIG. The OIG budget is submitted by the OIG independently from that of Ex-Im Bank and is subject to separate appropriation by Congress.

The complexity of the management and policy issues facing Ex-Im Bank will sometimes result in disagreement between the OIG and management regarding the extent of a problem and the nature of recommended corrective actions. In these instances, the OIG will seek to maintain a productive and professional relationship with Ex-Im Bank's management and to continue to work effectively to address the challenges facing Ex-Im Bank.

OIG System of Record Notice (SORN)

The information in the system of records will be used by the Ex-Im Bank OIG to conduct criminal, civil, and administrative investigations, and will contain identifying information about potential subjects, sources, and other individuals related to these investigations.

Ex-Im Bank EIB-35-Office of Inspector General Investigative Records published in the Federal Register on May 7, 2012. ([[{"attributes":{},"fields":{}}]])

Privacy Impact Statement: Ex-Im Bank Office of Inspector General Information System (IGIS):

EIB-35-Office of Inspector General Investigative Records ([[{"attributes":{},"fields":{}}]])