Nuclear Engineering Division



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Reactors designed by Argonne National Laboratory


Nonproliferation and National Security

  • Research Reactor Conversions

    We develop the technologies needed to use low-enriched uranium (LEU, <20%) instead of high-enriched uranium (HEU, ≥20%) in research and test reactors, and to do so without significant penalties in experiment performance, economic, or safety aspects of the reactors. Research and test reactors utilize nearly all the HEU used in civil nuclear programs, and worldwide attainment of the RERTR objectives will support important U.S. nonproliferation goals. [More...]
    NE Departments involved:
    Research & Test Reactor
  • Russian Research Reactor Fuel Return (RRRFR)

    Russian Research Reactor Fuel Return (RRRFR)We develop and convert research facilities including accelerator driven subcritical and critical assemblies to utilize low-enriched uranium fuel. State of the art computer codes and design tools, which cover the different disciplines are maintained and used for this activity. The utilization of these facilities for research purposes and medical isotopes production is characterized. The existing facilities are used for performing reactor physics experiments.
    NE Departments involved:
    Nuclear Systems Analysis
  • International Nuclear Safety

    International ProgramsWe support DOE efforts to improve international nuclear safety. We work to build capabilities within countries, especially those with Soviet-designed reactors, to determine the safety status and assess the risks of their nuclear power stations. These capabilities and the results of comprehensive deterministic and probabilistic safety assessments have led to dramatic improvements in the safety of these operating reactors. Through our efforts on behalf of DOE, many projects have led to gainful employment for former Soviet weapons scientists, reducing nuclear proliferation risks. [More...]
    NE Departments involved:
    Research & Test Reactor
  • Nuclear Forensics

    We identify chemical and isotopic "fingerprints" in radioactive materials that can be used to track the source of stolen nuclear and radiological materials. [More...]
    NE Departments involved:
    Instrumentation, Detection & Analysis

  • Nanoscale Engineering

    Nanoscale EngineeringWe seek to bridge the gap between fundamental discoveries in nanotechnology and practical problems in energy and national security. [More...]
    NE Departments involved:
    Instrumentation, Detection & Analysis

  • Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) Technologies

    Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) TechnologiesWe develop and provide technologies for interrogation and characterization of materials, components, and systems using state-of-the-art and emerging NDE techniques. Our capabilities have been applied to the aerospace, defense, and power generation (fossil and nuclear) industries to assess the integrity of critical components and thus help reduce system failures that can lead to costly shutdowns, cause damage to expensive equipment, and jeopardize the safety of end users. Our specialized NDE technologies have also been used in applications pertaining to scientific and medical research. [More...]
    FACT SHEET: Nondestructive Evaluation Technologies [756KB]
    NE Departments involved:
    Instrumentation, Detection & Analysis
  • Sensors & Instrumentation Technologies

    Sensors & Instrumentation TechnologiesWe develop and evaluate sensor technologies for industrial process control and remote detection of trace gases, toxic chemicals, explosives, and nuclear materials. Techniques applied to our sensor development include acoustic/ ultrasonic, ion optics and electromagnetic waves ranging from millimeter waves (mmW) to gamma rays. We also pursue research on both passive and active techniques to detect and interrogate nuclear materials. All projects support DOE missions in energy and environmental research, NNSA missions in emergency response and nuclear non-proliferation, and DHS in safeguard and protection of our nation. [More...]
    NE Departments involved:
    Instrumentation, Detection & Analysis

Last Modified: Wed, November 23, 2016 8:48 AM



Postdoc Jobs

  • Postdoctoral Projects
    View a list of NE Postdoctoral Projects related to Nonproliferation and National Security Technologies

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