NCEP Synergy Meeting Highlights: May 6, 2013

This meeting was led by Wallace Hogsett (WPC) and attended by David Novak and Keith Brill (WPC); Rebecca Cosgrove and Chris Caruso Magee (NCO); John Derber, Eric Rogers, Vera Gerald, Hendrik Tolman, David DeWitt, and Mary Hart (EMC); Kathy Gilbert (MDL); Steve Weiss (SPC); Steve Silberberg (AWC); Bernard Meisner (SR); Jeff Waldstreicher and Brian Miretzky (ER); John Kelly and Aiyun Zang (NOS)


1.      NOTES FROM NCO (Becky Cosgrove and Chris Caruso Magee)


Almost everything is done on WCOSS from the developers� perspective. The WSR is the only thing left and will be done this week. The air quality model will be transitioned with CB04 chemistry for the CONUS only. In general everything is running natively, and NCO is still tuning the models. Sea ice is running well. The parallel MAG site will be up and running off of WCOSS soon. For those looking at the MAG sites, send comments to Chris and Becky � they will direct questions/comments to the appropriate person. The two MAG sites: (CCS) (WCOSS)


The 2013 HWRF will be updated on WCOSS only, and with NCEP approval it will go operational on July 16. Both versions will be available to compare.


Tide will undergo maintenance this week, including patches that will solve problems with some models. Gyre will have the same work applied to it next week.  Messages will be posted to alert users about work on Tide and Gyre.


The MAG pages are both online, but not updated yet with jobs from production. The current version is SIB�s version, but it should be similar since both are running off similar GEMPAK grids. The MAG parallel site will be switched soon to run off production jobs. The MAG parallel will be MAGtest. It�s not the same as the previous version of the MAG, but it will be similar in appearance to the prior version.


There are a few differences between the models on CCS and WCOSS. There was a fix to the GSI, the new GFS has Metop-B and CrIS data from NPP, the Hysplit model was upgraded, and there are some minor product changes that will come out in a TIN. Product delivery times may be earlier, as some things are running faster, despite attempts to slow them down.




2a. Global Climate and Weather Modeling Branch (GCWMB) (John Derber)


We are working to get parallels running on WCOSS and testing the higher resolution systems. There have been a few problems with WCOSS reliability, as jobs hang during maintenance, preemption isn�t set up, and LSF isn�t the final version. The T1534 GFS is on schedule for next spring. The goal is to have full resolution out to ten days. The field has requested 3-hour output, which currently goes out to 192 hours. It appears that 3-hour output to day 10 is not a requirement; 192 hours is sufficient. Even if it was desired, bandwidth could be a problem.


NCO request: From MDL/NOS, NCO need plans for the next 4-5 fiscal quarters to plan SPA resources. A tentative plan is being emailed.


2b. Mesoscale Modeling Branch (MMB) (Eric Rogers)


Regarding potential differences between the CCS/WCOSS NAM, the GSI bug fix allows more satellite radiances to be used, the SST analysis has some issues, and GEFS changes include new data. Please note that these differences will lead to differences between the CCS and WCOSS versions of the NAM. The differences may be big for the NAM, GFS, and GEFS for these reasons. NCO is confident that things are working correctly, but it�s important to report all of the issues that worry users.


The new NAM looks good versus the current version. Surface biases have disappeared, and implementation should occur FY14 Q2. The HRRR, RAP, and SREF are high-profile implementations.


2c. Marine Modeling and Analysis Branch (MMAB) (Vera Gerald)


Two major upgrades for FY14:

Global RTOFS : (a) extend forecast from 6 to 8 days, (b) generate grib2 products and (c) improve physics in current forcing step.


NCEP Great Lakes wave model: (a) upgrade model with new physic packages; same as NOAA multi-grid wave model (requires approval at director of NCEP level and 30 days evaluation). If approved, it will be done on WCOSS.


NCO: Regarding the global RTOFS, the first change will be to preprocessing, and the next change will to the DA for the analysis. The proposal for the global RTOFS is to go out to day 8 (currently day 6). We can consolidate and do analysis at 00z, 06z day 1-4, 12z day 5-8. That was the proposal.


About the physics change for Great Lakes wave model, that�s a change to what we�re doing; it requires 30-day evaluation and needs director-level approval. Otherwise it won�t get on WCOSS.


3.      NATIONAL OCEAN SERVICE (NOS, Aijun Zhang and John Kelley):


We changed filenames on WCOSS, so do we need to issue a TIN? NCO: We are within the 75 days before implementation, so it�s too late; we may roll it into a master TIN.


There will be an RFC after WCOSS to get new basins to support new implementations; Cook Inlet and two high-res nests in the Gulf of Mexico. NOS wants about 24 new stations in dcomdev. NCO: send the list when it�s finalized.  




4a. MDL (Kathy Gilbert): Nothing to report.


For FY14, MDL wants to upgrade ECMWF MOS by adding more elements, updating the station list, adding 12Z cycle, and gridding the analysis. Feedback from the regions, field, and WPC will be helpful. LAMP, P-Surge, and GFS MOS winds will also be upgraded.

4b. NCEP Centers and NWS Regions


Weather Prediction Center (WPC, Wallace Hogsett):  Nothing to report.


Storm Prediction Center (SPC, Steve Weiss): Nothing to report.


National Hurricane Center (NHC, no representative):


Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC, no representative):


NCO: SWPC is changing the way they drop an input file and is coordinating with NCO.


Ocean Prediction Center (OPC, no representative):


Aviation Weather Center (AWC, Steve Silberberg): Nothing to report.


Pacific Region (PR, no representative):


Alaska Region (AR, no representative):


Eastern Region (ER, Brian Miretzky and Jeff Waldstreicher): Nothing to report.


We are working with Ratheyon on a wavewatch problem. Products are not appearing at AWIPS2 sites in ER. The problem is likely an LDM configuration issue.


Western Region (WR, no representative):


Southern Region (SR, Bernard Meisner): Nothing to report.


Central Region (CR, no representative):


5. NESDIS (no representative):


6. The next Synergy Meeting will be held at 2:30 pm EDT on Monday, 10 June 2013 in NCWCP conference room 2890, with remote teleconferencing capability.