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Special Emphasis Programs Directory

The FPAC National Special Emphasis Programs help ensure that agencies take affirmative steps to provide equal opportunity for underrepresented groups in the workforce.  These programs are governed by federal laws, regulations and other legal authorities and help achieve the federal government’s diversity, inclusion and equal employment goals. The FPAC National Special Emphasis Program Managers (SEPMs) provide national program leadership and guidance for FPAC-wide activities related to: 

  • outreach,
  • diversity and inclusion,
  • training,
  • equal employment and retention strategies, and
  • internal and external partnerships.

They also provide operational guidance and support to state and regional collateral SEPMs.  Special Emphasis Program Managers are aligned under the Human Resources Division (HRD), Workforce Programs Branch, and report to the Workforce Planning & Recruitment section chief.

USDA employees can find a directory of all FPAC National SEPMs at