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Manufacturing Science & Engineering

With one-of-a-kind facilities and powerful partnerships, Argonne accelerates the scale-up and commercialization of new, complex materials that are critically important to U.S. competitiveness.

Argonne scientists and engineers work on a new frontier, pioneering a broad suite of new technologies to synthesize and process complex materials for a myriad of applications, including:

  • High-capacity, long-lived, safe, recyclable, and grid-compatible batteries
  • Membranes and sorbents that are selective and resistant to fouling and degradation in energy-intensive applications
  • Materials that are resilient to mechanical, thermal, and chemical stress
  • Materials for the circular economy, designed with recycling, upcycling, and end-of-life in mind
  • A secure supply chain of critical materials from diverse sources, substitutes and recycling

In the 26,000 square-foot Materials Engineering Research Facility (MERF), researchers develop scalable manufacturing processes for advanced materials. By leveraging co-located scientific user facilities for in situ measurements, real-time analysis, artificial intelligence, and modeling, Argonne accelerates process development and scale-up so that promising new materials can go to market faster.

Partnerships with companies, universities, and other entities further accelerate the transition of new materials invented at the lab — and elsewhere — into commercial applications. To learn more about how Argonne can help bridge the gap between discovery and commercialization, contact manufacturing@​anl.​gov.


Manufacturing Science & Engineering General Inquiries

Technologies Available for Licensing: Industrial and Manufacturing Processes

Argonne’s scientists create next-generation catalysts, processes, coatings and technologies that advance industrial development and output without compromising energy use and the environment.

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