iEdison - About

Invention Reporting: Interagency Edison (iEdison) helps government grantees and contractors comply with federal law and statutes, the Bayh-Dole Act & 37 C.F.R. 401. The Act permits businesses (large and small) and nonprofits (including universities) to retain ownership of subject inventions made under federally funded research grants and contracts, while also giving the government the license to practice the subject invention. iEdison is used by more than 30 federal agencies.

How To...

 flow chart detailing the steps required to report government funded invention using iEdison

*plant variety protection (pvp)


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Step 1: Register an organization in iEdison Step 2: Create user accounts Step 3: Create and submit an invention report Step 4: Upload additional materials on invention details Step 5: Create a patent or pvp* report for the invention Next: Provide license that gives government certain rights to invention Finally, add utilization report (product dev and income)