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Student FAQs


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  4. Student FAQs

No. Interpreters are not allowed to accompany students in training classes. Applicants must be 85% proficient in English (to include oral and written communication and reading comprehension).

Meals are provided at FLETC training facilities located at Glynco, Charleston, and Artesia, facilities. The attendee is responsible for arranging and paying for their meals at programs held at the Cheltenham facility or other export sites.

Some programs have prerequisites that must be addressed prior to attendance.  For prerequisite information refer to the specific program page in the Student Catalog.

All international applicants must be at least 85% proficient in English (oral and written communication and reading comprehension). Some training programs have particular prerequisites for  the respective program and must be addressed prior to attending the training. All prerequisites are listed on the FLETC Catalog of Training Programs for each specific program. The training catalog can be located on the internet at

The FLETC is authorized to train international law enforcement officials or international officials affiliated with law enforcement on a space-available basis with reimbursement of actual costs.

If it is determined that you engaged in improper or inappropriate conduct, you may be subject to discipline, including counseling, warnings, reprimands, suspension, transfer to another post of duty, or termination.

A manager will not be held individually liable in an administrative complaint.  However, the victim of discrimination may bring a civil action in court, and you could be held liable.


If you operate a POV on the FLETC property, you are subject to traffic and parking regulations.  The FLETC Security will cite violators as appropriate.  Violators are subject to assessment of points, which can result in the revocation of driving privileges on the FLETC.  You must register your POV with the FLETC Security while at the Visitor Center.  A valid driver’s license, proof of insurance, registration, and vehicle tag number are required before a FLETC parking permit will be issued.  A student parking decal will be issued and must be properly displayed at all times while your POV is parked on the FLETC property. Your POV must be parked at your dormitory Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  All students housed on the FLETC must either walk or utilize the FLETC transportation provided.  Any POV that is in violation of the FLETC parking policy will be ticketed.  If you have a medical condition that could impact your ability to walk long distances, you may request a medical parking permit, through the FLETC Health Unit.  Georgia state law and FLETC policy require anyone operating a vehicle on the FLETC to wear a seatbelt at all times, while the vehicle is in motion



If you operate a POV on the FLETC property, you are subject to traffic and parking regulations. The FLETC Security will cite violators as appropriate. Violators are subject to assessment of points, which can result in the revocation of driving privileges on the FLETC. You must register your POV with the FLETC Security while at the Visitors Center. A valid driver’s license, proof of insurance, registration, and vehicle tag number are required before a FLETC parking permit will be issued. A student parking pass will be issued and must be properly displayed at all times while your POV is parked on the FLETC property. Your POV must be parked at your dormitory Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. All students housed on the FLETC must either walk or utilize the FLETC transportation provided. Any POV that is in violation of the FLETC parking policy will be ticketed. If you have a medical condition that could impact your ability to walk long distances, you may request a medical parking permit, through the FLETC Health Unit. South Carolina state law and FLETC policy require anyone operating a vehicle on the FLETC to wear a seatbelt at all times, while the vehicle is in motion. Motorcycle operators are required to wear a Department of Transportation (DOT) approved helmet on Federal property.



If you operate a vehicle on the FLETC property, you are subject to traffic and parking regulations. The FLETC Security will cite violators as appropriate. Violators are subject to assessment of points, which can result in the revocation of driving privileges on the FLETC. You must register your vehicle with FLETC Security while at the Visitors Center. A valid driver’s license, proof of insurance and vehicle tag number are required before a FLETC parking permit will be issued. A student parking decal will be issued and must be properly displayed in your vehicle upon entering and while parked at the FLETC. Your vehicle must be parked in designated student parking areas. Any vehicle that is in violation of the FLETC parking policy will be ticketed. If you have a medical condition that could impact your ability to walk long distances, notify FLETC Security upon check in so that suitable arrangements can be made. Maryland state law and FLETC policy require anyone operating a vehicle on the FLETC to wear a seatbelt at all times, while the vehicle is in motion. Motorcycle operators are required to wear a Department of Transportation (DOT) approved helmet on Federal property.



If you operate a POV on the FLETC property, you are subject to traffic and parking regulations. The FLETC Security will cite violators as appropriate. Violators are subject to assessment of points, which can result in the revocation of driving privileges on the FLETC. You must register your POV with the FLETC Security while at the Visitors Center. A valid driver’s license, proof of insurance, registration, and vehicle tag number are required before a FLETC parking permit will be issued. A student parking decal will be issued and must be properly displayed at all times while your POV is parked on the FLETC property. Your POV must be parked at your dormitory Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. All students housed on the FLETC must either walk or utilize the FLETC transportation provided. Any POV that is in violation of the FLETC parking policy will be ticketed. If you have a medical condition that could impact your ability to walk long distances, you may request a medical parking permit, through the FLETC Health Unit. New Mexico state law and FLETC policy require anyone operating a vehicle on the FLETC to wear a seatbelt at all times, while the vehicle is in motion. Motorcycle operators are required to wear a Department of Transportation (DOT) approved helmet on Federal property.

All lodging arrangements are made by the FLETC Student Services Division and are included in the cost of training for programs being held at Glynco, Artesia and Charleston. For programs held at Cheltenham facility or other export sites the attendee is responsible for arranging and paying for their lodging. If FLETC has lodging facilities the student must stay in the facility provided and will be charged for the lodging.

FLETC courses are not offered to the general public.  Students who attend FLETC are sponsored by their agency.  Their courses are paid for on a reimbursable and not by individuals, and therefore not eligible for G.I. Bill educational reimbursement.

It is FLETC’s policy to accept only sworn state, local, and tribal law enforcement officers with arrest authority. This includes full or part-time sworn officers. However, in some training programs, direct law enforcement support personnel, as well as part-time/reserve officers, may attend if training relates specifically to responsibilities within your agency. If you have a question regarding eligibility to attend training, send an email inquiry to

FLETC works diligently to get all classes POST approved in the state in which the program is hosted. Actual approvals may not be complete until 30 days prior to class start date as processing times vary state to state. If you have a specific question about a scheduled program that is being held within the next 30 days, please send an email to with your inquiry.

Phones are provided in each dormitory room with procedures on their use. Long distance phone calls from your room must be made with a calling card or collect. WiFi is available in all dormitories at a cost to the student.

You can sign up to be notified of FLETC training that is scheduled to be conducted in your area by clicking here.

The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) delivers law enforcement training programs via host agencies throughout the United States. FLETC will provide certified instructors, equipment, handouts and supplies needed to deliver the course at the host location.
If your agency (state/local/tribal) is interested in hosting FLETC training please click here and follow the instructions to complete the request form.

Federal agencies should contact their training coordinator or email

If you have a need to arrive early for a class (due to flight schedules, or you are traveling from outside the continental United States, etc.) or require a late departure for any reason, permission must be granted through your agency for the additional cost. Please contact your agency representative or send an email request to

FLETC Artesia, NM:

FLETC Charleston, SC:

FLETC Glynco, GA:

FLETC Cheltenham, MD: There is no shuttle service for Cheltenham

The names and telephone numbers of EEO counselors in your area should be posted in areas accessible to all employees, such as in break rooms or on bulletin boards.  If the names and numbers are not posted, contact your local EEO office.

To obtain a copy of your transcript, you must fill out a Transcript Request Form. Follow the directions for completion that are included on the form. Mail the properly completed Transcript Request to the address shown on the form. Please be sure to sign the form. Unsigned requests cannot be processed.

You may obtain a copy of the Transcript Request Form in any of the following three ways.

Send an email to: You will receive the form via return email.

Send a fax to 912-267-2444. You will receive the form via return fax.

Call the Educational Aides office at 912-267-2457 and request a copy of the form.

The FLETC has a convenience store which sells some clothing items, patches, decals, memorabilia and similar items.  If you are interested in such items please call the store direct at (912) 265-2048.

For State/Local/Tribal students, search the FLETC Application for Student Training (FAST) site for the programs you would like to attend and begin the application process. When completing the FLETC application, please be certain to fill in all required information accurately. Social Security Number and Date of Birth are required for all FLETC training.  Your Personally Identifiable Information (PII) will be protected according to federal regulations.

At the time of application, you will receive a notification from our system acknowledging receipt that you have applied for training. This is NOT a confirmation that you have been accepted and have a seat in the class. An administrator will review your submission, and if selected to attend, you will receive a training confirmation notifying you of your selection approximately three weeks prior to the class start date.  FLETC reserves the right to cancel classes as deemed necessary.

The training confirmation will include information regarding the location of the program, course requirements and all other pertinent class information.  If for any reason you have problems applying, or find difficulties with our website, please contact us at 1-800-743-5382 or

For Federal students employed with a Partner Organization (PO List), please contact your agency representative to assist with cost and availability for any classes in which you have an interest. If your agency is not a partner of the FLETC, contact for guidance.

For International students, please contact for cost and availability of training.

For Private Sector students:
Private sector agencies requesting training must have the endorsement of a federal law enforcement agency stating that the applicant’s training would be mutually beneficial to the agency and the applicant. To apply to attend a FLETC training program, compose a letter on company letterhead stating why the training is needed, its benefits to the agency and background information regarding the student. Also include a letter of sponsorship from a federal law enforcement agency such as the FBI, the U.S. Marshals Service, U.S. Secret Service, or the Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigations Division, etc.

The letter should be attached to an email and sent to  The correspondence will be forwarded to the appropriate training division responsible for the training program requested. If approved, notification of an available seat will be forthcoming.

If approved, expenses for the course and instructor fees will be the responsibility of the student or their agency

Contact with a counselor must be made within 45 calendar days of the date you became aware of the alleged discrimination.

We cannot provide that information to you. We can only address the requirements for position vacancies at the FLETC. You should contact our Human Resources Division for FLETC information. If you are interested in working for any other law enforcement agency, then you should contact that agency directly.

If for any reason you are unable to attend a program for which you are registered for it is the Center’s policy that we be notified, in writing, no less than twenty (20) working days prior to the class start date.  You can contact the FLETC by calling 1-800-743-5382 or you may send an email to

Cancellations received less than 20 working days before the start date of the training may result in program costs, in full or partial, being billed regardless of attendance.

The program cost (excluding meals and lodging) of some classes is partially subsidized by the FLETC.  The subsidy is calculated based on the number of students attending the program.  Cost reductions will automatically be applied when billing your agency.




Cheltenham-There is no housing available at this location.

Yes, there is the BOINGO Broadband Service available.  To learn more about the service, go to  Once you have arrived on Center, select “BOINGO” on your Wi-Fi.  Then open a browser which will redirect you to the BOINGO sign up page.  If you have any issues, please contact them at 800.392.1507. 

Department of Homeland Security policy and EEO regulations require that all employees fully cooperate during the complaint process.  Lack of cooperation may result in disciplinary action.

You must be in attendance for the duration of the training class, up to and including graduation, in order to receive a certificate.

For basic and advanced training, classes typically begin at 7:30 a.m. and end at 4:30 p.m. each weekday, however, practical exercises are often scheduled at night to enhance the training experience. The normal training week is Monday through Friday, but training may be scheduled on weekends, if necessary.  When you check in at the Visitor Center, you will be provided a class schedule for your reference. Keep in mind that schedules can change, dependent on circumstances such as weather, availability of facilities, etc. 

The recommended form of payment is by credit/debit card through the portal ( You can also remit payment by the following means: purchase order, cash, cashier’s check, travelers check, money order or credit card: MasterCard, VISA, American Express, or Discover.

For specific questions regarding other forms of accepted payment, contact

Please see the locations student handbook for more information.


Reasonable accommodations are adjustments or modifications to job application procedures, a job, employment practices, or a work environment that enable a qualified individual with a disability to enjoy equal employment opportunities.  They are intended to enable qualified disabled individuals to perform the essential functions of a position, and designed to remove physical and procedural workplace or employment barriers.

A class complaint is a written complaint of discrimination filed on behalf of a class.  A class is a group of employees, former employees, or applicants for employment who allege, via a designated agent, that they have been, or are being, adversely affected by an employment practice that discriminates against the group because of their common race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion or disability.

Program costs include tuition, lodging, and meals. The costs associated with advanced programs vary depending on the individual program. Lodging costs may vary based on where students are housed.  Cost is estimated at the highest rate; therefore, your final cost may be lower.  In courses that last more than a week, the middle weekend meal and lodging costs are included.

Retaliation, also referred to as reprisal, is the taking of any adverse action against an individual because of his or her prior participation in the EEO process or opposition to discriminatory practices.

Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when:  (1)  submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment; (2)  submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis of employment decisions affecting such individual; or (3)  such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.

This will be dependent upon which class you are attending. Specific information regarding proper attire will be included in the class confirmation letter that is sent out approximately 3 weeks prior to the class start date.

As a manager, you should review the allegations promptly and take immediate appropriate action.  Appropriate action might include: publicizing the Department's zero tolerance policy; providing training; taking disciplinary action against the harasser; monitoring the situation on an ongoing basis; and taking corrective action to place the victim in the position he/she would have had absent the alleged harassment.

Federal agencies will be billed 30-45 days after the program ends.  State and Local students and Non-Partner Organization students are asked to prepay through our Pay.Gov portal.  Please contact for more information.

The FLETC is located 6 miles north of Brunswick, GA, between Savannah, GA and Jacksonville, FL . The names "FLETC," "The Center," and "Glynco" are interchangeable; however, these are not on a map--locate Brunswick on the southeastern coast of Georgia. U.S. Highway 17, a north/south route from Maine to Florida, and Interstate 95. Exit 38 on I-95 directs you to the facility; highway signs are to be observed closely when approaching the Center. Students' automobiles will be registered upon arrival at the Center. Therefore, it is required that students have a valid driver's license and proof of insurance.

All individuals are protected based on their race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, and disability or prior participation in the EEO process.  Although discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is not covered by Title VII, it is prohibited by an executive order and Department of Homeland Security rules of conduct.

To better understand why FLETC asks registrants for certain sensitive information, please read the following FAQ's.