Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence

The Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) support the establishment and development of innovative, state-of-the-art biomedical and behavioral research centers at institutions in IDeA-eligible states through awards for three sequential five-year phases.

COBRE Phase 1 awards support the establishment of a multicomponent center in a thematic scientific area that galvanizes multidisciplinary research to develop a critical mass of investigators competitive for peer-reviewed external research funding.

Funding Opportunity Announcement: PAR-19-313

COBRE Phase 2 awards are intended to strengthen Phase 1 centers by further improvements to research infrastructure and the continuation of the development of a critical mass of investigators with shared scientific interests.

Funding Opportunity Announcement: PAR-19-312

COBRE Phase 3 awards provide support for maintaining research cores developed during Phases 1 and 2 to sustain a collaborative, multidisciplinary research environment with pilot project programs, mentoring, and training components.

Funding Opportunity Announcement: PAR-20-115