Guide to Federal Records

General Records of the Department of the Treasury

(Record Group 56)

Overview of Records Locations

Table of Contents

  • 56.1 Administrative History
  • 56.2 General Records of the Office of the Secretary 1789-1977
    • 56.2.1 Letters sent
    • 56.2.2 Letters received
    • 56.2.3 Correspondence and other records of the Secretary and Assistant Secretaries
  • 56.3 Records of the Division of Appointments 1791-1945
    • 56.3.1 Correspondence
    • 56.3.2 Registers and lists of Treasury employees
    • 56.3.3 Records relating to appointments and commissions
    • 56.3.4 Records relating to the Customs Service
    • 56.3.5 Records relating to Internal Revenue Service and Public Health Service appointments and personnel
    • 56.3.6 Records relating to the Office of the Supervising Architect
    • 56.3.7 Other personnel records
  • 56.4 Records of the Division of Bookkeeping and Warrants 1793-1937
  • 56.5 Records of the Division of Captured Property, Claims, and Lands 1855-1900
  • 56.6 Records of the Miscellaneous Division 1840-1909
  • 56.7 Records of the Division of Public Moneys 1833-1921
  • 56.8 Records of the Division of Customs 1833-1918
  • 56.9 Records of the Internal Revenue Division 1865-1905
  • 56.10 Records of the Office of Domestic Gold and Silver Operations 1933-75
  • 56.11 Records of the Office of the General Counsel 1919-56
  • 56.12 Records of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for International Affairs 1934-70
    • 56.12.1 Records of the National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems and the National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Policies (NAC)
    • 56.12.2 Records of the Secretary of the International Monetary Group
    • 56.12.3 Records of the Assistant Secretary relating to monetary and international affairs
  • 56.13 Records of the United States Savings Bonds Division 1918, 1936-85
  • 56.14 Records of Other Organizational Units 1871-1986
    • 56.14.1 Records of the Government Actuary
    • 56.14.2 Records of the Office of Financial Analysis
    • 56.14.3 Records of the Bureau of War Risk Insurance
    • 56.14.4 Records of the Bureau of Prohibition
    • 56.14.5 Records of the Division of Research and Statistics
    • 56.14.6 Records of the Office of Tax Analysis
    • 56.14.7 Records of the Office of Tax Policy
    • 56.14.8 Records of the Depository Institutions Deregulation Committee (DIDC)
    • 56.14.9 Records of the Office of Law Enforcement Coordination
    • 56.14.10Records of the United States Synthetic Fuels Corporation
    • 56.14.11 Other records
  • 56.15 Records of the Office of the Chief Clerk 1775-1949
    • 56.15.1 General records
    • 56.15.2 Records relating to committees, commissions, and boards
    • 56.15.3 Miscellaneous records
    • 56.15.4 Records relating to expositions
  • 56.16 Records of the Treasury Library 1775-1990
  • 56.17 Cartographic Records (General)
  • 56.18 Motion Pictures (General) 1966 and 1969
  • 56.19 Sound Recordings (General) 1943 and 1945
  • 56.20 Video Recordings (General) 1970
  • 56.21 Machine-Readable Records (General)
  • 56.22 Still Pictures (General) 1875-1917

56.1 Administrative History

Established: By an act of September 2, 1789 (1 Stat. 65).

Functions: Formulates, recommends, and administers domestic and international financial, economic, and tax policies. Manages the public debt. Serves as financial agent for the United States government. Manufactures coins and currency. Oversees the administration of the U.S. Mint, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Bureau of Public Debt, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, U.S. Customs Service, U.S. Secret Service, Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Internal Revenue Service, and U.S. Savings Bonds Division.

Finding Aids: Carmelita S. Ryan and Hope K. Holdcamper, comps., Preliminary Inventory of the General Records of the Department of the Treasury, PI 187 (1977); supplement in National Archives microfiche edition of preliminary inventories.

Security-Classified Records: This record group may include material that is security-classified.

Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Department of the Treasury in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.

Current administrative units of the Treasury Department:

  • Records of the U.S. Customs Service, RG 36.
  • Records of the Bureau of the Public Debt, RG 53.
  • Records of the Internal Revenue Service, RG 58.
  • Records of the U.S. Secret Service, RG 87.
  • Records of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, RG 101.
  • Records of the U.S. Mint, RG 104.
  • Records of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, RG 318.
  • Records of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, RG 436.
Former administrative units of the Treasury Department:
  • Records of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, RG 23.
  • Records of the United States Coast Guard, RG 26.
  • Records of the Bureau of Lighthouses and its predecessors, in RG 26, Records of the United States Coast Guard.
  • Records of the Steamboat Inspection Service and the Bureau of Navigation, in RG 41, Records of the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation.
  • Records of the General Land Office, in RG 49, Records of the Bureau of Land Management.
  • Records of the Bureau of the Budget, in RG 51, Records of the Office of Management and Budget.
  • Records of the Bureau of Narcotics, in RG 170, Records of the Drug Enforcement Administration.
  • Records of the Bureau of Immigration, in RG 85, Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service.
  • Records of the Public Health Service, 1912-1968, RG 90.
  • Records of the Bureau of Statistics, in RG 151, Records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce.
  • Records of the National Bureau of Standards, in RG 167, Records of the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
  • Records of the Solicitor of the Treasury, RG 206.

56.2 General Records of the Office of the Secretary

56.2.1 Letters sent

Textual Records: Name and subject indexes, 1789-1839, 1878-1902. Registers, 1834-1902. Letters sent to the President, 1831-78; to cabinet officers and heads of bureaus, 1830-78; and to the Departments of State, War, Navy, Interior, Justice, and Post Office, 1866-78. Letters sent relating to restricted commercial intercourse and captured and abandoned property, 1861- 78. Letters sent to Congressional committees, 1837-74; members of Congress, 1834-74, and the judiciary, 1833-78. Letters sent to customs collectors, 1789-1878; disbursing agents, 1877-78; and collectors and assessors of internal revenue, 1862-78. Letters sent relating to public lands, 1801-78; foreign affairs, 1833-78; and administrative matters, 1861-73. Letters sent relating to employees of the Treasury Department and its bureaus, 1857-78; and to trust funds for Chickasaw and other Indian tribes, 1834- 72. Circular letters, 1789-1908. Telegrams, 1850-74. Press copies retained in the Secretary's Office of letters sent by the Divisions of Appointments, 1878-1910; Bookkeeping and Warrants, 1878-1917; Public Moneys, 1878-1913; Customs, 1878-1909; Internal Revenue and Navigation, 1878-87; Stationery, Printing, and Blanks, 1878-1907; Captured Property, Claims, and Land, 1878-87; and Mail and Files, 1878-1902, and by the Miscellaneous Division, 1887-1906. Press copies retained in the Secretary's Office of letters sent by the Office of the Supervising Architect, 1878- 1916; and by the Office of the Chief Clerk and Superintendent, 1878-1910.

Microfilm Publications: M175, M176, M178, M415, M513, M733, M735, M737, M738, M741, M749, T1257, and T1258.

56.2.2 Letters received

Textual Records: Registers, 1833-1902. Indexes, 1873-1912. Letters received from executive agencies, 1831-1910; the President, 1863-1910; Congress, 1832-1913; members of the judiciary, 1828-99; and customs collectors, 1789-1869. Letters received relating to the tariff, 1843-54; sick and disabled seamen, 1841-42; vessels, 1857-60; customs districts, 1858-61; and customhouses and other structures, 1833-49. Miscellaneous letters received, 1833-69. Letters and other records received relating to the General Land Office, 1804-48; the subtreasury system, 1840-78; sale of Chickasaw lands, 1838-49; insolvent debtors, 1831-39; U.S. and foreign consuls, 1833-55; foreign bankers, 1833-55; and deposit banks, 1833-49. Records relating to the payment of indemnities, 1836-45, and to Spanish land grants in Florida, 1851. Congressional resolutions and letters received, 1823-1918. Letters received from Treasury officials, including assistant treasurers, 1848-1900; auditors, 1817-1910; comptrollers, 1832-1910; the Commissioner of Customs, 1850-94; and collectors of internal revenue, 1864-1908. Letters received relating to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 1862-1911; Bureau of the Mint, 1873-1910; U.S. Mint, Philadelphia, PA, 1832- 1910; and the Revenue Marine Division and Revenue Cutter Service, 1871-1910. Letters received from the Solicitor of the Treasury, 1819-1905; supervising architect, 1858-1910; Treasurer, 1818- 1910, and miscellaneous commissions, boards, and independent agencies, 1815-1914.

Microfilm Publications: M174, M178, M726, M736, M749.

56.2.3 Correspondence and other records of the Secretary and
Assistant Secretaries

Textual Records: Central correspondence files, 1917-66 (260 ft.), with name and subject indexes, 1917-56. Scrapbooks, 1913-21. Reports, correspondence, memorandums, and other records of secretaries and under secretaries, 1932-65 (196 ft.). Records of Edward F. Bartelt, representative to the Fiscal Commission of the United Nations Economic and Social Council, 1947-54. Records of Assistant to the Secretary Harry Dexter White, concerning lend- lease aid to Great Britain, 1940-45, with index. Memorandums concerning the German Occupation Program, ca. 1944-46. Records relating to the Warburg Memorial Commission, 1919-20. Office files of representatives to the Inter-Allied Council on War Purchases and Finance, 1917-19; and the Supreme Economic Council, 1918-19. Records of the Special Assistant to the Secretary for Law Enforcement, 1958-67. Reports and correspondence of the office of Tariff and Trade Affairs, 1963-70. Office files of Artemus E. Weatherbee, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration, 1959-70. Records of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, 1962-71. Records of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy, 1936-46; 1953-55; and 1961-69. Office files of Assistant Secretary Robert A. Wallace, 1963-69. Records of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs, 1969-72. Office files of Murray L. Weidbaum, Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy, 1969-71. Foreign Portfolio Investment Project subject files, 1974-75. Records relating to the Commission on Private Philanthropy and Public Needs (Filer Commission), 1975-77.

Subject Access Terms: Anderson, Robert B.; Baird, Julian; Ballentine, A. A.; Cook, Herman J.; Coolidge, T. J.; Cravath, Paul D.; Davis, Norman; Dillon, Douglas; Donee Group; Foley, E. H.; Folson, Marion B.; Fowler, Henry; Graham, John S.; Hanes, John W.; Humphrey, George M.; Kendall, David W.; Pehle, John W.; Scribner, Fred C.; Sullivan, John L; Taylor, Wayne C.; Wiggins, A. L. M..

56.3 Records of the Division of Appointments

History: Formally established within the Office of the Secretary in 1875. Merged with Division of Personnel July 1, 1940, to become the Appointments and Records Section.

56.3.1 Correspondence

Textual Records: Letters sent, 1878-1902; with registers, 1878- 1906. Registers of letters received, 1874-1906; with indexes, 1887-1906. Correspondence, 1841-1917. Letters of application and recommendation, 1830-1910 (708 ft.). Letters received relating to personnel matters, 1855-1913. Letters received and other records relating to notable Treasury employees, 1822-1940.

Subject Access Terms: Bonsall, Rebecca A.; Brown, J. Ross; Burroughs, John; Culver, O. H.; Elliott, Ezekiel B.; Ford, Worthington C.; George, William M.; Hawthorne, Nathaniel; Henson, Matthew A.; Johnson, Solomon; Johnson, William; Kimball, Sumner I.; Krzyzanowski, Wladimir; Melville, Herman; Mills, Robert; Muir, John; Mullett, A. B.; Oertly, Bartholomew; Poston, Charles D.; Rodman, Gilbert; Rogers, Isaiah; Scammon, Charles; Sturtevant, Albert L.; Whitman, Walt; Wilcox, Mary E.; Williamson, Alexander; Wood, William P.; Young, Ami.

56.3.2 Registers and lists of Treasury employees

Textual Records: Registers of personnel actions, 1881-1917; absences, 1868- 1910; and attendance, 1892-93. Disbursements for personnel expenses, 1889- 1912. Biographies of Treasury employees, 1835-1912. List of employees by state and Congressional district, 1851-1910. Register of appointments by state, 1893-95. Register of male clerks, 1835-90; and female clerks, 1861-68. Lists of salary payments to employees of the Marine Hospital Service, 1898-1903. Lists of bonded employees, 1829-56 and 1868-1908; and of Treasury Department employees, 1853-1916.

56.3.3 Records relating to appointments and commissions

Textual Records: Correspondence and other records relating to presidential appointments, 1833-1945 (70 ft.). Letters sent to the Senate relating to nominations of Treasury officials, 1875- 85, 1889-91. Correspondence relating to political patronage, 1909-33. Records relating to Senate confirmations, 1834-39, 1841- 61. Lists of Presidential appointments, 1806-1907, with gaps. Commissions issued to major Treasury officials, 1791-1909. Records relating to Marine Hospital commissions, 1889-1909. Departmental commissions issued to Internal Revenue officers, 1865-85; and to commissioners of insolvency, 1834-44.

56.3.4 Records relating to the Customs Service

Textual Records: Lists of major officers ("Presidential Appointments"), 1818-77, 1894-95; and of subordinate officers, 1840-44, 1857, and 1867-86. Appointment registers, 1837-1909, with indexes, 1869-1908. Monthly registers of appointments and changes, 1857-59, 1863-1908. Oaths of collectors and other officials, 1815-1909 (80 ft.). Records relating to customhouse nominations, 1841-1910 (230 ft.). Applications for appointment as customs officers, 1833-1910 (165 ft.). Letters concerning secret inspectors of customs, 1842-50. Records relating to charges against customs officers, 1833-61; and to the operation of the New Orleans, LA, customhouse, 1863. Records of the Jay Commission investigating operation of the New York customhouse, 1877-79. List of suspensions and fines, 1882-85. Records relating to the appointment and removal of Wilbur F. Wakeman, 1897-1901.

Microfilm Publications: M188.

56.3.5 Records relating to Internal Revenue Service and Public
Health Service appointments and personnel

Textual Records: Letters received from Commissioner of Internal Revenue relating to personnel, 1889-1910. Applications and recommendations for appointment as revenue collectors and assessors, 1863-1910 (100 ft.); and as supervisors of internal revenue districts, 1868-76. Records concerning charges against collectors, 1866-81. Registers of internal revenue employees, 1863-70, 1875-1909. Undelivered commissions, 1866-76. Letters relating to the approval of bonds, 1889-1910. Registers of Marine Hospital and Public Health Service employees, 1861-1907; with index, 1908. Monthly reports of personnel changes in the Marine Hospital and Public Health Service, 1887-1906.

56.3.6 Records relating to the Office of the Supervising

Textual Records: Correspondence relating to disbursing agents, 1906-11. Applications and recommendations for appointment as superintendents of construction, 1853-1904; and as subofficers of public building construction, 1878-88. Letters received from superintendents of construction, 1879-1910; and from custodians of public buildings, 1878-1910. Applications for positions as custodians and janitors, 1878-1910; and as charwomen, laborers, and messengers, 1880-1902. Lists of custodians, janitors, and other employees in public buildings, 1882-1909. Ledgers of payments made to custodians and janitors, 1871-1907. Oaths of office of personnel employed in the maintenance of public buildings, 1875-1909.

56.3.7 Other personnel records

Textual Records: Applications and other records relating to special agents and inspectors, 1842-1910; and to assistant treasurers and U.S. Mint officials, 1836-1910. Oaths of office, 1847-1901. Lists of Treasury and U.S. Mint employees, 1879-1907. Correspondence relating to the Civil Service Commission, 1882- 1910. Registers of applicants certified for positions in the Treasury Department, 1886-1908. Correspondence concerning the Civil Service Retirement Association, 1900-1. Political histories of Treasury employees, 1866. Constitution of the "Johnson Departmental Club," ca. 1865.

56.4 Records of the Division of Bookkeeping and Warrants

History: Established as the Division of Warrants in 1869. Became the Division of Warrants, Estimates, and Appropriations, 1893; and the Division of Bookkeeping and Warrants by the Dockery Act (28 Stat. 208), July 31, 1894. Assigned to the Office of the Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits in 1920. In 1940, the Office of the Commissioner was renamed the Bureau of Accounts.

Textual Records: Letters sent, 1868-1908, 1917-35; with index, 1898-1910. Letters sent relating to Civil War and related claims, 1906-20. Miscellaneous letters sent, 1911-37. Registers of letters received, 1870-1909. Correspondence from Treasury officials; Executive agencies; Secretaries of War, State, and Interior; the Attorney General, Court of Claims, claimants, and other persons ("Executive Correspondence"), 1876-1909. Miscellaneous correspondence and other records, 1793-1922. List of institutions to which Confederate money was distributed, 1912. Records relating to disbarment cases, 1882-83. Correspondence relating to cases in the Court of Claims, 1906-21.

Related Records: Records of the Bureau of Accounts, RG 39.

Subject Access Terms: French Spoliation Claims; Green, Galen E.; Moyers, Gilbert; Southern Claims Commission.

56.5 Records of the Division of Captured Property, Claims, and

History: Originated in the Secretary's Office during the Civil War. Officially became the Division of Captured and Abandoned Property, 1869; the Division of Captured and Abandoned Property and Lands, 1881; and the Division of Captured Property, Claims, and Lands, 1885. Abolished and functions assigned to the newly established Miscellaneous Division, 1887.

Textual Records: Letters sent, 1878-87. Letters received, 1863- 87; with registers, 1864-87. Letters sent relating to restricted commercial intercourse, 1861-63. Registers, indexes, and other records relating to cases in the Court of Claims, 1855-86. List of awards made by the Court of Claims, 1867-80. Records of the Southern Claims Commission including minutes of meetings, 1871- 80; letters received, 1871-80; consolidated index to claims, 1892; reports on claims sent to Congress, 1871-75; registers of cases, 1871-80; and miscellaneous papers, 1864-1900.

Microfilm Publications: M87, M502, M503.

Maps: Captured and abandoned lands and plantations along the lower Mississippi River in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi; published General Land Office maps of Louisiana and Florida; and sketch maps of Louisiana and Mississippi, 1866-74 (11 items). Manuscript maps of government farms for freedmen in southeastern Virginia, 1866-70 (2 items). See also 56.17.

Related Records: Case files of claims allowed by the Southern Claims Commission are among the records of the Accounting Offices of the Department of the Treasury, RG 217. Case files of disallowed claims are among the records of the U.S. House of Representatives, RG 233.

56.6 Records of the Miscellaneous Division

History: Established, 1887. Assumed functions of the Division of Captured Property, Claims, and Lands, and the Mercantile Marine and Internal Revenue Division. Abolished, 1906, with functions to the Division of Bookkeeping and Warrants, Commissioner of Internal Revenue, and Chief Clerk.

Textual Records: Letters sent, 1887-1906. Name and subject index to claims records, 1861-1909. Letters received, 1887-1906; with registers, 1888-1906. Indexes relating to cotton claims, 1861- 1902. Case files of claims for cotton and captured and abandoned property, 1861-1902. Rejected claims for cotton illegally seized by federal agents, 1872-90. Miscellaneous documents, 1840-1906.

56.7 Records of the Division of Public Moneys

History: Originated as a branch in the Office of the Secretary, 1865. Designated Internal Revenue Division, 1866, but known informally after its chief as Mr. Coleman's Division, to distinguish it from the another Internal Revenue Division (SEE 56.9). Redesignated Accounts of Receipts and Deposits Division, 1869; Subtreasury Division, 1873; Independent Treasury Division, 1873; and Division of Public Moneys, 1877. Abolished, 1921, with functions to newly created Office of the Commissioner of Accounts and Deposits, redesignated Bureau of Accounts by Reorganization Plan No. III, effective June 30, 1940.

Textual Records: Letters sent, 1866-97; with registers, 1863- 1913. Letters received, 1868-1912; with registers and indexes, 1872-1913. Register of letters received and referred, 1915-21. Correspondence concerning designation of U.S. depository banks, 1869-1911. Statements of assets and liabilities of deposit banks, 1833-38. Letters received from deposit banks, 1863-98. Register of U.S. Depositories, 1863-1908. Reports from assistant treasurers and depositaries, 1856-69. Records relating to examination of offices of assistant treasurers, 1863-1920; and to the examination of depositaries, 1867-91. Abstracts of papers concerning defalcation, defects, and embezzlements in depositories, 1867-78.

56.8 Records of the Division of Customs

History: Originated in the Office of the Secretary, 1869. Designated Customs Division, 1871, with responsibility beginning in 1875 to supervise the Customs Service. Combined with the Special Agency Service, the investigative arm of the Treasury Department, to become the Bureau of Customs, 1927. Redesignated U.S. Customs Service, 1973.

Textual Records: Letters sent, 1877-79, 1891-99. Correspondence relating to locks and seals, 1870-75. Impressions of seals, 1869- 96. Registers of letters received, 1859-64. Abstracts of decisions and instructions, 1833-70. Abstracts of opinions of the Solicitor, 1869-73; and the Attorney General, 1883-87. Decisions of the Board of General Appraisers, 1902-10. Descriptions of customhouses, courthouses, post offices, and other public buildings, 1901-18. Register of leases of property used by the Customs Service and the Steamboat Inspection Service, 1890-1908.

Related Records: Records of the U.S. Customs Service, RG 36.

56.9 Records of the Internal Revenue Division

History: Originated as a branch in the Office of the Secretary, 1865. Designated Internal Revenue Division, 1866, but known informally after its chief as Mr. Gaines' Division, to distinguish it from the other Internal Revenue Division (See 56.7). Redesignated Internal Revenue and Informers' Claims Division, 1869; and Internal Revenue Division, 1871. Consolidated with Division of Navigation as Internal Revenue and Navigation Division, 1876. Redesignated Mercantile Marine and Internal Revenue Division, 1884. Internal revenue functions assigned to Miscellaneous Division, 1887, and upon abolishment of division, to Office of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1906.

Textual Records: Letters received relating to remission cases, 1866-72; and to informers' claims, 1867-90. Informers' case files, 1865-79; with registers, 1865-91. Records relating to collection districts, 1887-1905; immigration at the port of New York, 1887; and civil service classification of the Internal Revenue Service, 1895.

Related Records: Records of the Internal Revenue Service, RG 58.

56.10 Records of the Office of Domestic Gold and Silver

History: Established in the Office of the Under Secretary for Monetary Affairs by Treasury Department Order No. 193, October 9, 1961. Administered regulations relating to purchase, sale, control, and use of gold and silver. Licensing authority terminated by EO 11825, December 31, 1974. Disbanded July 31, 1975; functions transferred to the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs.

Textual Records: Gold policy and precedent subject files, 1933- 74. Silver subject files, 1933-74. Statistics of gold production and use, 1960-74 (123 ft.). Paper currency and coin subject file, 1933-75. General subject file, 1933-75.

Related Records: Records of the U.S. Mint, RG 104.

56.11 Records of the Office of the General Counsel

History: Established by an act of May 10, 1934 (48 Stat. 758), to furnish legal advice to the Secretary of the Treasury with respect to his responsibilities as chief financial officer of the government.

Textual Records: Records of Assistant General Counsels, 1903-74. Non-tax legislative history files, with indexes, 1921-56. Correspondence and legal files, 1927-63. Income tax forms, 1919-52. Records of the Emergency Loan Guarantee Board, 1971-77.

56.12 Records of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for
International Affairs

56.12.1 Records of the National Advisory Council on International
Monetary and Financial Problems and the National Advisory Council
on International Monetary and Financial Policies (NAC)

History: National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems established under the Bretton Woods Agreement Act (59 Stat. 512), July 31, 1945. Abolished under Reorganization Plan No. 4 of 1965. Superseded by National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Policies, established by EO 11238, July 28, 1965, and EO 11269, February 14, 1966. NAC coordinates U.S. foreign financial and monetary policies.

Textual Records: Minutes of council meetings, 1945-71; and staff meetings, 1945-74. Numbered NAC actions, 1945-70. Staff meeting agendas, 1945-70. Numbered documents and supplements, 1945-70. Correspondence, memorandums, and reports, 1946-53. Subject file, 1946-53. Briefing books, 1946-53. Background files, 1947-66. International Development Bank country files, 1960-66.

56.12.2 Records of the Secretary of the International Monetary

Textual Records: Records of the Bretton Woods Agreements, 1938- 46.

Subject Access Terms: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; International Monetary Fund; World Bank.

56.12.3 Records of the Assistant Secretary relating to monetary
and international affairs

Textual Records: Records of Harry Dexter White including a chronological file, 1934-46; memorandums, 1934-46; records relating to U.S.-French financial negotiations, 1946; and lists of assignments and activities, 1939-41.

56.13 Records of the United States Savings Bonds Division
1918, 1936-85

History: Established as the Defense Savings Staff by Treasury Order 39, March 19, 1941. Redesignated War Savings Staff by Treasury Order 45, April 15, 1942, and War Finance Division, by Treasury Order 50, June 25, 1943, with responsibility for stimulating the sale of War Savings Bonds and Stamps. Became United States Savings Bonds Division, effective January 1, 1946, by Treasury Order 62, December 26, 1945, to promote sale of postwar U.S. Savings Bonds and Stamps. Sale of savings stamps ended on June 30, 1970.

56.13.1 Headquarters records

Textual Records: Historical files and other records of the Office of the National Director, 1941-69. Subject files, 1958-73, and other records, 1936- 51, of the Advertising and Promotion Branch. Records of the Office of the Executive Secretary, U.S. Industrial Savings Bonds Committee, 1969-73. Subject files of the Marketing Branch, 1941-47. Records of savings bond promotions, 1940-70. Production files for savings bond promotional films and spot announcements, 1958-63. War Savings Stamp scrapbook, 1918. Scrapbooks relating to war bond drives in Puerto Rico and Washington, DC, 1942-47.

Motion Pictures: U.S. Savings Bonds Division defense and victory bond promotional films, 1941-74, including some Walt Disney productions, film clips of Hollywood screen stars, and the film, The Uncle Sam Caper (305 reels). See also 56.18.

Sound Recordings: Radio broadcasts promoting purchase of defense and Victory bonds, including programs such as "Treasury Star Parade," "Treasury Salute," "Bondwagon," and "Guest Star," 1941-74 (1,111 items). "Minute Man" speeches promoting war bonds, 1943-45 (52 items). U.S. Savings Bonds Division public service radio series, "The Grammy Treasure Chest," featuring interviews with and music selections by prominent Hollywood personalities, 1973-74 (47 items). See also 56.19.

Specific Restrictions: Reproduction is prohibited without the consent of the copyright holder.

Photographs: Photographs of combat activity used for publicity purposes, 1941-45 (WA, 624 images). Bond campaigns and Secretary of the Treasury John W. Snyder, 1941-59 (C, SB; 1,595 images). Wartime celebrities, 1941-45 (WC, 171 images). Mary Pickford's savings bond tour, 1953 (MP, 245 images).

Posters: Used in War Bond and Savings Bond campaigns, 1942-85 (SP, 474 images). Mary Pickford's savings bond tour, 1953 (PP, 2 images). See also 56.22.

Filmstrips: Promoting sale of World War II war bonds, 1941-45 (FS, 4 items). See also 56.22.

56.13.2 Field records

Textual Records: Records of the Office of the Field Director, 1941-47. General records of the U.S. Savings Bonds Division for New York relating to bond sales and promotions, 1948-49, 1952-59 (in New York).

Photographs: Savings bond sales drives of the War Finance Committee for New York State, 1943-44 (2,745 images, in New York). See also 56.22.

56.14 Records of Other Organizational Units

56.14.1 Records of the Government Actuary

Textual Records: Letters sent, 1881-1915. Memorandums, 1873-93.

56.14.2 Records of the Office of Financial Analysis

Textual Records: Reports concerning the business situation, 1937- 49. Reports on developments in the high grade securities market, 1939-49.

56.14.3 Records of the Bureau of War Risk Insurance

History: Created by the War Risk Insurance Act (38 Stat. 711), September 2, 1914, to insure American vessels and cargoes. Coverage broadened to include officers and crews of American merchant vessels and members of the armed forces by amendments of June 12 and October 6, 1917 (40 Stat. 102 and 398). Merged into the Veterans Bureau by an act of August 9, 1921 (42 Stat. 147).

Textual Records: Correspondence and other records relating to licensing of foreign insurance companies, 1917-20.

Related Records: Records of the Veterans Administration, RG 15.

56.14.4 Records of the Bureau of Prohibition

Textual Records: Investigatory case files, 1924-33 (in Seattle).

56.14.5 Records of the Division of Research and Statistics

Textual Records: Records relating to negotiations with the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to secure loans for national and state banks, 1933-45.

56.14.6 Records of the Office of Tax Analysis

Machine-Readable Records: Lifetime and deathtime dispositions of a sample of 1957 and 1959 estate tax returnees ("Estate and Gift Tax File"), with supporting documentation, 1962 (1 data set).

Related Records: Statistics of Income in RG 58, Records of the Internal Revenue Service.

56.14.7 Records of the Office of Tax Policy

Textual Records: Subject files, 1913-72. Legislative history files for tax legislation, 1936-69.

56.14.8 Records of the Depository Institutions Deregulation
Committee (DIDC)

History: Established by the Depository Institutions Deregulation Act of 1980 (94 Stat. 142), March 31, 1980, to administer the orderly phasing out, over a six-year period, of interest rate ceilings on deposits held by commercial banks, mutual savings banks, and savings and loan associations. Consisted of the Secretary of the Treasury, and the chairmen of the Federal Reserve Board, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Federal Home Loan Bank Board, and the National Credit Union Administration Board, with the Comptroller of the Currency as a nonvoting member. Held quarterly meetings, May 6, 1980-December 15, 1983, thereafter conducting business by notational ballot. Terminated March 31, 1986, in accordance with the establishing act. The Secretary of the Treasury served as chairman after March 26, 1981.

Textual Records: Records of DIDC meetings, 1980-83. Notational ballots, 1980-86. Annual reports, 1980-86. Docket files, 1980-86. DIDC staff memorandums, 1980-86. Press releases, 1980-84. Congressional correspondence, 1980-84. Records relating to lawsuits and appeals, 1980-82.

56.14.9 Records of the Office of Law Enforcement Coordination

Textual Records: Correspondence of the chief coordinator, 1938-44. Minutes of meetings of the Committee on Coordination of Law Enforcement, 1934-39. Records of most interesting cases, 1930-44. Abstracts of district coordinators' conferences, 1939-54. Records of the law enforcement training director, Harry M. Dengler, 1936-48. Internal Revenue Service special agents reports on organized crime cases, 1960-61.

56.14.10 Records of the United States Synthetic Fuels Corporation

History: Established by the Energy Security Act (94 Stat.636; 42 U.S.C. 8711), approved June 30, 1980, to accelerate development of the synthetic fuels industry. The Corporation functioned as an investment banker, providing financial incentives, but not direct funding, to the private sector for the construction and operation of commercial scale plants to produce synthetic substitutes for imported fuel. The Corporation was abolished by Act of December 19, 1985 (99 Stat. 1249), and all ongoing functions except the monitoring of contracts and obligations of the defunct Corporation were transferred to the Secretary of the Treasury, Under Secretary for Finance, Office of Synthetic Fuels.

Textual Records: Budget background files, 1982-85.

56.14.11 Other records

Textual Records: Letters sent by the Mail and Files Division, 1871-1916. Records of the Division of Stationery, Printing, and Blanks, including letters sent, 1887-1925; and received, 1871- 1909. Reference files of G. Gordon Liddy, staff assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Operations, 1969-71 (in Nixon Presidential Materials). Records relating to the Works Progress Administration Federal Income Tax Statistical Project, 1936-46.

56.15 Records of the Office of the Chief Clerk

History: Established by an act of April 20, 1818 (3 Stat. 445). In 1853, combined with the Superintendent of Treasury Buildings, under the direction of the Chief Clerk. A separate Office of Superintendent of Treasury Buildings was again created in 1937. Office of the Chief Clerk continued as a separate unit until October 1, 1947, when it became a part of the newly created Office of Administrative Services. Abolished in 1948 with the establishment of the Division of Office Services. Responsible for supervising expenditures for furnishing and government participation in expositions; maintaining and guarding Treasury buildings; and coordinating the work of department boards, committees, and commissions.

56.15.1 General records

Textual Records: Letters sent by the Chief Clerk as Superintendent of the Treasury Building, 1878-1903; with registers, 1877-1910. Letters sent by the Office of the Chief Clerk, 1901-34. Letters received, 1901-10. Registers of letters received by the Chief Clerk and Superintendent, 1877-1911. Letters, orders, and regulations, 1862-1910. Records of the Office of the Chief Clerk, 1913-49. Architectural report on certain Treasury buildings, 1910.

Maps: Land grants along the Rio Grande River, TX, ca. 1860 (1 item). See also 56.17.

Architectural and Engineering Plans: Treasury building floorplans, 1883 (12 items). Treasury Department buildings in Washington DC, 1902-35 (46 items). See also 56.17.

Photographs: Portraits of executive officers of the Treasury Department by W. H. Slater, 1895 (P, 29 images). See also 56.22.

56.15.2 Records relating to committees, commissions, and boards

Textual Records: Reports, testimony, minutes, and other records of the Committee Appointed To Investigate the Stationery Division, 1882; Committee Appointed To Investigate the Manner of Doing Business in the Treasury Department, 1888; Committee Appointed To Examine the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 1897; Committee Appointed To Investigate Accounting Methods in the Treasury Department, 1903; Committee on Department Methods (Keep Commission), 1905-8; President's Commission on Economy and Efficiency (Taft Commission), 1906-16; Treasury Improvement Committee, 1915-16; Committee To Investigate Treasury Publications, 1911; Standing Committee on Blank Forms, 1911-17; General Supply Committee, 1905-33; and Board of Awards, 1902-10.

56.15.3 Miscellaneous records

Textual Records: Ledgers of contingency expenses, 1882-1939. George Washington's account book, 1775-83. Documents relating to the Louisiana Purchase, 1803-4. Register of payments relating to the Treasury Fire of 1833, 1832-35. Records concerning Washington, DC's subscription to the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, 1828-79; construction of a Potomac River bridge, 1830- 36; canal construction, 1830-67; and fishing vessel bounties, 1838-60. Texas debt records, 1837-56. Report relating to Louisiana claims ("Houmas Claim"), 1847. Records concerning special commissioners to Puerto Rico and Cuba, 1898-1900; Philippine Islands and Puerto Rico Tariff Fund, 1900-7; and Puerto Rican Custom Service, 1907-18. Applications for employment as temporary clerks under the War Bond Act of 1898. Letters sent by the Department Committee on Personnel, 1910-13; and relating to the payment of emergency funds to American citizens in Europe, 1914-17. Letters relating to contributions to the Associated Charities of Washington, 1908.

Microfilm Publications: T712.

56.15.4 Records relating to expositions

Textual Records: Correspondence, awards records, ledgers, cashbooks, and other records relating to the Paris Universal Exposition, 1867; Philadelphia International Centennial Exposition (Philadelphia, PA), 1876; World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition (New Orleans, LA), 1884-85; World's Columbian Exposition (Chicago, IL), 1893; Cotton States and International Exposition (Atlanta, GA), 1895; Tennessee Centennial Exposition (Nashville, TN), 1897; Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition (Omaha, NE), 1898; Pan American Exposition (Buffalo, NY), 1901; South Carolina Interstate West Indian Exposition (Charleston, SC), 1901-2; Louisiana Purchase Exposition (St. Louis, MO), 1904; Lewis and Clark Exposition (Portland, OR), 1905; Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition (Norfolk, VA), 1907; Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition (Seattle, WA), 1909; Panama Pacific International Exposition (San Francisco, CA), 1915; Mississippi Centennial Exposition, 1917; Brazilian International Exposition (Rio de Janeiro), 1922-23; Philadelphia Sesquicentennial International Exposition, (Philadelphia, PA), 1926; Chicago World's Fair Centennial Celebration (Chicago, IL), 1933-34; California Pacific International Exposition (San Diego, CA), 1935-36; and Texas Centennial Exposition and Greater Texas and Pan American Exposition (Dallas, TX), 1936-37.

Architectural and Engineering Plans: Buildings, grounds, installations, and exhibits of the following expositions: Centennial International Exposition, 1876 (106 items); Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1901-4 (11 items); Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, 1905 (24 items); Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition, 1907 (23 items); Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, 1909 (2 items); and Panama Pacific International Exposition, (2 items). See also 56.17.

Photographs: Government exhibits at the Alaska-Yukon- Pacific Exposition, 1909 (YE, 41 images). Treasury Department exhibits at the California Pacific International Exposition, 1935-36 (DE, 11 images). See also 56.22.

Photographic Prints: Construction of government building at the Centennial International Exposition, 1875 (BE, 7 images). Exhibits at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904 (LE, 148 images). Exhibits at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition and the Lewis and Clark Exposition, in album, 1903-5 (EE, 53 images). Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, in album, 1905 (PE, 74 images). Grounds, buildings, and exhibits at the Jamestown Exposition, in album, 1907 (JTE, 128 images). Treasury Department exhibits at the Panama Pacific International Exposition, in album, 1915 (CE, 15 images). Treasury Department exhibits at the Sesquicentennial International Exposition, in album, 1926 (SE, 48 images). Treasury Department exhibits at the Texas Centennial Exposition, in album, 1936 (XE, 14 images). See also 56.22.

Cyanotypes: Government exhibits at the Cotton States and International Exposition, 1895-96 (GE, 82 images). Exhibits at the Tennessee Centennial Exposition, 1897 (TE, 130 images). Buildings and exhibits at the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, 1898 (NE, 108 images), and at the Pan-American Exposition, 1901 (E, 275 images). See also 56.22.

Engravings: Copperplate electrotype engravings used in the catalog of the State Department exhibit, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904 (23 images). See also 56.22.

56.16 Records of the Treasury Library

Textual Records: Reference subject file, 1800-1960. Documents relating to the history of the Treasury Department, 1775-1963. Correspondence, 1804-1900. Regulations concerning restricted commercial intercourse and captured and abandoned property, 1861- 65. Documents relating to the history of the Solicitor, 1820- 1933; the Fiscal Service, 1940-90; the Office of Administrative Services, 1947-62; printing and binding, 1846-1950; Treasury buildings, 1930-60; and the Treasury Department seal, 1778-1968, and flags, 1920-63.

56.17 Cartographic Records (General) See Maps under 56.5 and 56.15.1.
See Architectural and Engineering Plans under 56.15.1 and 56.15.4.

56.18 Motion Pictures (General)
1966 and 1969

Treasury Story, describing functions and divisions within the Department, 1966 and 1969 versions (2 reels).

See under 56.13.1.

56.19 Sound Recordings (General)
1943 and 1945

Prime Minister Winston S. Churchill's address to Congress, May 19, 1943 (2 items). President Harry S. Truman's radio report on the Potsdam Conference, August 9, 1945 (2 items).

Specific Restrictions: Reproduction is prohibited without the consent of the copyright holder.

See under 56.13.1 and 56.14.7.

56.20 Video Recordings (General)

"Assault on Time," released by the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center as an introduction to archaeological resource protection, 1970 (1 item).

56.21 Machine-Readable Records (General)

See under 56.14.5.

56.22 Still Pictures (General)

Photographs: American Indian delegates to Washington, DC, 1875 (ID, 14 images). Civil War generals, ca. 1875 (PR, 4 images).

Lantern Slides: Treasury Department personnel, officials, and buildings, 1804-1917 (AT, AE, 230 images). Work of Lifesaving Service and Revenue Cutter Service, ca. 1915 (AL, AR, 77 images).

See Photographs under 56.13.2, 56.15.1, and 56.15.4.
See Photographic Prints under 56.15.4.
See Cyanotypes under 56.15.4.
See Engravings under 56.15.4.
See Posters under 56.13.1.

Bibliographic note: Web version based on Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States. Compiled by Robert B. Matchette et al. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1995.
3 volumes, 2428 pages.

Ordering information

This Web version is updated from time to time to include records processed since 1995.

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