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USDA Agricultural Air Quality Task Force

Created by the 1996 Farm Bill, the USDA Task Force on Agricultural Air Quality Research (Task Force) promotes USDA research efforts and identifies cost-effective ways the agriculture industry can improve air quality. The Task Force membership consists of leaders in farming, industry, health, and science for two-year terms.

The Task Force advises the Secretary of Agriculture on air quality and its relationship to agriculture based on sound scientific findings. In that advisory role, the Task Force:

  • Reviews research on agricultural air quality supported by federal agencies
  • Promotes intergovernmental (federal, state, local and tribal) coordination in establishing  agricultural air quality policy to avoid duplication of efforts
  • Ensures that air quality conservation practices supported by USDA are based on peer reviewed research and are economically feasible for agricultural producers.

Who’s on the Task Force?

There are many aspects of agricultural air quality, so it is important that the Task Force be composed of individuals from all walks of life—including people with expertise in agricultural air quality, farmers and ranchers, rural and urban dwellers, multiple ethnicities, as well as those who simply have an appreciation and knowledge for the importance of clean air and its interplay with agriculture. The Chief of USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) will serve as Chair of the Task Force. NRCS will provide coordination for the Task Force.

How to Apply for Membership

The USDA is currently accepting nominations for the Task Force. The Federal Register notice request for nominations to the Task Force contains information about how to nominate an interested person for membership. Interested candidates may nominate themselves. Nominations should be typed and include the following:

  •  A brief summary (two pages or less) explaining the nominee’s qualifications to serve on the Task Force
  •  A resume providing the nominee’s background, experience and educational qualifications
  •  A completed background disclosure form (Form AD-755) signed by the nominee
  •  Any recent publications by the nominee relative to agricultural air quality (if appropriate)
  •  Letters of endorsement (optional)

Nominations must be emailed or postmarked by November 9, 2020 to be considered.

Nominations can be submitted to Greg Zwicke, the Designated Federal Officer for the Task Force, by either:


Mail or Hand Delivery:  Mr. Greg Zwicke, Designated Federal Officer, Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA-NRCS, West National Technology Support Center, 2150 Centre Avenue, Building A, Suite 314B, Fort Collins, CO  80526