NIH: Fogarty International Center NIH: Fogarty International Center
Advancing Science for Global Health
Advancing Science for Global Health

Fogarty International Center

Collage of 3 images from top stories of 2020: Researcher in a clinic. Digital map of Africa. Researcher works in lab.

Top global health research stories of 2020 from Fogarty and NIH

This year's top selections from readers and editors of Fogarty's Global Health Matters newsletter demonstrate the global health research community's dedication, flexibility and resilience during an unprecedented year of challenges.

COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation.

COVID-19 public health info from US CDC  |  COVID-19 research info from the US NIH  |  COVID-19 resources for global health researchers

Global Health Research Topics

Fogarty and its NIH partners invest in a variety of research topics vital to global health.