The Offices

Office of Accountability & Compliance

The Office of Accountability & Compliance is responsible for technical (as opposed to legal) analysis and the formulation of policy recommendations for the Commission.

Office of Public Affairs & Government Relations

The Office of Public Affairs & Government Relations serves as the public face of the Commission. The Office is the Commission's primary resource in support of public outreach and education; media relations; and liaison with Congress, the United States Postal Service, and other government agencies. The Office provides information for consumers and responds to their inquiries. Informal complaints regarding individual rate and service inquiries are referred to the Consumer Advocate of the Postal Service. The Office works closely with members of Congress and their staff.

Office of Secretary & Administration

The Commission’s Office of the Secretary and Administration (OSA) provides management and staff support to the Commission’s operational offices (including the Office of Inspector General), the Commission’s strategic plan and various initiatives of the Executive Branch. OSA ensures that the Commission has the physical, financial, technology and human capital infrastructure needed to accomplish its mission. The effort led by OSA provides financial management, records management, administrative and organizational support, planning and human capital resources for the Commission.

Office of the General Counsel

The General Counsel directs and coordinates the functions of the Office of the General Counsel and is directly responsible for providing all legal services within the Commission.  39 CFR 3002.13. The General Counsel is designated by the Chairman to serve as the Commission’s Designated Agency Ethics Official (DAEO) and administers the Commission’s ethics program. 39 CFR 3000.735-102.

Office of the Inspector General

The Postal Regulatory Commission's Office of the Inspector General was established in June, 2007, as required by an amendment to the Inspector General Act of 1978 included in the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006 (Public Law 109-435 sec. 605).