Job Corps
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The smiling, diverse faces of six young students


Frequently Asked Questions

You've Got Questions.

We've Got Answers.

How it works

You can enroll in Job Corps by filling out the Enrollment Interest Form or by calling us at 1-800-733-JOBS today!

We'll walk you through the next steps.

Job Corps is fully funded by the federal government and is FREE to students and their families.

Job Corps offers hands-on career technical training in high-growth industries and can also help you get a GED or high school diploma if you don't already have one.

You may be eligible for Job Corps if you:

  • Are committed to improving your education and your future
  • Need job skills training, education, counseling, or related assistance to help get you started on a career pathway
  • Are between the ages of 16 and 24 Are a U.S. citizen, a legal U.S. resident, or are a resident of a U.S. territory and/or are authorized to work in the United States
  • Meet other eligibility requirements

You may NOT be eligible for Job Corps if you:

  • Use drugs illegally under federal law
  • Exhibit behavioral problems that could prevent you or others from success in Job Corps
  • Have certain criminal convictions or require court supervision

Take the Eligilibity Quiz.

There are [customtokentype:center_count] Job Corps Centers located across the United States. Find a Job Corps center near you

Job Corps also offers career planning, on-the-job training, job placement, residential housing, food service, driver's education, health and dental care, a bi-weekly basic living allowance, and a clothing allowance.

Yes. We have academic tutors prepared to provide you with the extra help you need in reading or math. Just ask!

Yes. Your instructors will assign independent study assignments as necessary to enhance your learning.

No. Job Corps does not assign grades. Instead, it allows students to demonstrate their skill (competency) in a given subject area or training area. Instructors will mark the completion of training on your Training and Achievement Record (TAR).

Yes. We require that someone (preferably a parent, guardian, foster parent, mentor, or associate who is interested in your success) come to the Information Session with you prior to enrollment. This same person must visit and meet with your career counselors monthly for the first four months of your enrollment. We strongly believe that when each student has someone interested in his or her success, achievement will follow!

Life at the center

Yes, there is 24/7 security available at all Job Corps centers. 

Most students live at the Job Corps center they are assigned to, but many centers allow nonresidential students. Check with your admissions counselor for details. 

Most centers offer separate male and female dormitories. Depending on the center, you can have anywhere from one to eight roommates. Job Corps values diversity and will provide you with opportunities to live and interact with people of many different backgrounds.

Throughout your training, you will receive a bi-weekly basic living allowance. As your training progresses, your living allowance will increase. After you graduate, Job Corps can help you get started on your journey with a transition allowance. This allowance is based on your academic and career technical training achievement while in Job Corps.

At Job Corps, you learn at your own pace. Depending on the career area you choose and the learning pace you set for yourself. Our most successful Job Corps students remain in the program for at least 18 months to gain the knowledge and social skills needed for a new career.

Yes. No one will force you to stay if you're not happy at the center. All we ask is that you try your best to succeed.
We promise you this: It will be difficult sometimes, and we will challenge you. But if you don't quit on us, we won't quit on you.

Rules at the center

Each Job Corps center has their own set of rules designed foremost to ensure your safety and to help eliminate distractions so you can succeed in academics and training. All centers have a Zero Tolerance Policy for drugs and alcohol, and any student who violates this policy will be removed from the Job Corps program. To learn the set of rules a particular center might have, check with your admissions counselor. 

Students are expected to bring personal care and grooming items. Students should not bring expensive video and audio equipment, computers, and similar items. Your admissions counselor can help you determine what items are appropriate to bring on center. 

Each center has their own rules about dress code. At most centers, you are responsible for providing your own everyday clothes. Articles of clothing with offensive wording, large amounts of jewelry, or items that promote drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or violence are not allowed.

Many centers require students to wear uniforms during the training day. If that applies to you, your uniform will be provided by your center.

Yes. Your parents or guardians are invited to visit you at the center. Please have them contact the center in advance of their visit.

Most Job Corps centers do not offer childcare services, but some do, including single parent dormitories or allotment funds to cover off-campus child care services. Check with your admissions counselor to see what options are available for you.

Job Corps will provide your transportation to and from home for your initial trip to the center, during the winter and summer breaks, and your return trip home when you leave the program. Any other trips home must be arranged and paid for by the student. Travel costs for winter and summer breaks are considered taxable by the Federal Government. Taxes will be taken out of your living allowance.

Every center has their own rules about what devices are and are not allowed, and most centers that allow cell phones restrict their use to designated areas. Check with your admissions counselor to learn the cell phone policy at your center.

Graduation and beyond

To request a copy of your transcript, please contact the center you attended. You can find the phone number and address on the Contact Us page. If you attended Job Corps more than three years ago, please email a request to, and provide the dates you attended, your full legal name, and the last 4 digits of your social security number.

Even before graduation, our staff will assist you in conducting a job search. They can also help direct you to the health care, housing, legal assistance, and child care you'll need after you graduate. For six months after graduation, a Job Corps Career Transition Specialist will keep in touch with you to make sure things are going well in your new career.

We have agreements with community colleges or related institutions to teach career area courses or to have individual students take courses to gain college credit. We can work with students to help them transfer into college programs when appropriate.