NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974


Appropriate Use of NERSC Resources

NERSC supports open research intended to be published in open scientific journals. Proprietary research and use of export controlled codes or data is prohibited. Read More »

Acknowledge NERSC

Please acknowledge in your pubications the role NERSC facilities played in your research. Read More »

Allocation Eligibility

A researcher may apply for an allocation of NERSC resources if their research project is funded by the DOE Office of Science, or if their research project is relevant to the mission of one of the six Offices of Science (ASCR, BES, BER, FES, HEP, NP). Read More »

Allocation Management

How to manage the users in your project account (called repository or repo), and what to do if your project runs out of time. Schedule of time decrements for under-utilized allocations. Read More »

Computer Security

NERSC computer security efforts are aimed at protecting NERSC systems and its users' intellectual property from unauthorized access or modification. You can help to keep NERSC more secure by understanding cyber security risks and taking precautions against them. Read More »

Institutional User Agreements

An appropriate use policy form is required of all NERSC users and an additional user agreement may be required if a project is not federally funded or is involved in proprietary research. Read More »

Data Management

NERSC provides its users with the means to store, manage and share their research data products. We provide a variety of storage resources optimized for different phases of the data lifecycle, tools to enable users to manage, protect and control their data; high-speed networks for intra-site and inter-site (ESnet) data transfer; gateways and portals for publishing data for broad consumption; and consulting services to help users craft efficient data management processes for their projects. Read More »


A user is given a username (also known as a login name) and associated password that permits them to access NERSC resources. This username/password pair may be used by a single individual only: passwords must not be shared with any other person. Passwords must meet rigorous selection criteria. If you forget your password, you can reset it using NIM if you have previously answered some security questions. Read More »

Queue Scheduling

Queue look, wait times, and scheduling policies. Read More »

Usage Charges

How computational and mass storage resources are charged. Read More »

Systems Outage Notification Policy

To be considered a scheduled outage, the user community must be notified of the need for a maintenance event window no less than 24 hours in advance of the outage (emergency fixes). Users will be notified of regularly scheduled maintenance in advance, on a schedule that provides sufficient notification, and no less than 72 hours prior to the event, and preferably as much as seven calendar days prior. If that regularly scheduled maintenance is not needed, users will be informed of the… Read More »

Service Levels

Service levels for different NERSC services Read More »

Resiliency Planning

July 17, 2019

This page provides information and resources to help NERSC users plan for and around outages. Read More »