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Office of Special Populations continues the momentum in 2018

As we look forward to a bevy of fall activities, I’d like to update you on some of the Office of Special Populations’ (OSP) recent happenings and activities. Read on to find out what we’ve been doing and what we’re planning for the near future.

Adventure and Opportunity Ahead! Apply to the 2018 Butler-Williams Scholars Program Today

Are you a new or emerging researcher in aging who’s looking for some adventure this summer? If so, I encourage you to apply to the 2018 Butler-Williams Scholars Program. A truly unique experience, the B-W Scholars Program provides an opportunity to learn how to build a successful research career and to engage peers with like-minded career aspirations.

You're invited! - Regional meeting for investigators in Denver Nov. 8

On November 8, I will be traveling to Denver, along with several NIA senior staff, for the NIA Director’s Regional Meeting on Aging Research, this time taking place at the University of Colorado, Denver. The meeting is part of our continuing effort to meet communities around the country who have a commitment to the problems of aging and the potential of aging research to address them.

Update, opportunities from NIA's Office of Special Populations

Now that we’re all back to work or back to school with the end of summer, I’d like to update you on some of the recent activities of NIA’s Office of Special Populations. We’re looking forward to a fall of funding opportunities and continued connections with you all to promote and support health disparities research related to aging.

Let's talk about inclusion of all ages in research

On June 1-2, 2017, the NIH will convene a workshop, “Inclusion Across the Lifespan,” in Bethesda, MD. Its goals are to broaden our understanding of the effect of age-related eligibility restrictions on clinical studies and trials, and to identify barriers and facilitators to the inclusion of volunteers of all ages in research.

Don't wait! Apply for the Butler-Williams Scholars program today

Are you a post-doc looking for training in aging research? Are you an established researcher who’s new to the area of aging research? Are you junior faculty interested in expanding your career options? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you should apply for the 2017 NIA Butler-Williams Scholars Program.

Are you jazzed about GSA?

Are you ready to let the good times roll in New Orleans at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (GSA)? We’re looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones in the Big Easy. We also hope that you’ll take the opportunity to connect with NIA staff at the meeting, during scientific sessions, and in the Exhibit Hall.

Office of Special Populations update: Online disparities research framework and other news

The NIA recently created an online version of our Health Disparities Research Framework to showcase priorities and investments in this important aging research area. We hope that this site will serve as a resource for scientists interested in investigating health disparities related to aging. Please visit the page and take a look at the Framework’s interactive format.

NIA sponsors regional meeting to engage investigators new to aging research

On October 20, several NIA senior staff will travel to Atlanta for the NIA Director's Regional Meeting in Aging Research at Morehouse School of Medicine. They will describe current funding opportunities available for researchers who may be new to the field of aging research. I recently sat down with NIA Director Dr. Richard Hodes to discuss the upcoming meeting.

NIA primes the pump for health disparities research in aging

If you are interested in health disparities and aging research, the NIA is ready, willing and able to help be a resource for you and the field. In recent months, we have undertaken several activities to enhance research opportunities, and I’d like to tell you about a few of these to keep you involved and make sure you’re up to speed!