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Energy and Global Security

Applying unique expertise in science, engineering, and information systems to deliver environmentally sound solutions to our greatest challenges in energy access and global security

Argonne’s Energy and Global Security (EGS) directorate takes on unprecedented challenges as it addresses domestic and global sustainable energy and security. Leveraging collaborations with researchers throughout Argonne, as well as with experts from industry, academia and other government laboratories, the EGS directorate’s scientists and engineers deliver innovative research and technologies that enable access to affordable, environmentally clean energy and limit the risk from diverse threats to national and global security.


Energy and Global Security General Inquiries


National Security Programs

A gateway for government sponsors and contractors to link into tailored, diverse teams of elite researchers to solve R&D challenges in national security

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Manufacturing Science and Engineering Program

Advancing innovative materials, technologies and processes to increase American manufacturing competitiveness.

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Argonne’s fundamental science is made mission-ready through ARL Central partnership

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With an unwavering focus on our mission, our researchers take an interdisciplinary approach to research, advancing their fields of study and generating new knowledge for the benefit of future generations.

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