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Nested Grid Model (NGM)

These archived 2-hourly data come from National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)'s Regional Analysis and Forecast System (RAFS). The data may be referred to as NGM data because the forecast component of the system is the NGM model. The RAFS was designed to provide improved numerical guidance over the United States out to 48 hours. Improvements over the existing limited-area fine-mesh model (LFM) included improved horizontal and vertical resolution (especially in the lower layers) and better use of observations. Details of the RAFS are described by Hoke, et al. (1989)—see "Publication References" below.

Product Types

Model Grid/Scale Period of Record Model Cycle Output Timestep Data Access Links
NGM 180km 01Jan1991 - 15Apr1997 2/day: 00 and 12UTC 2-hourly, +00 to +48 hours HAS

Data Usage Notes


Publication References

Hoke, J.E., N. A. Phillips, G.J. DiMego, J.J. Tuccillo, and J.G. Sela, 1989: The Regional Analysis and Forecast System of the National Meteorological Center. Weather and Forecasting, 4 (323-334).

Miscellaneous Documentation

NCEI Dataset Documentation DSI-6140

